Russia Donates Fertilizer, Grain to Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe — Russia donated 25,000 tons of grain and 23,000 tons of fertilizer to Zimbabwe to help combat the effects of El Nino-induced drought, which has dwindled crop yields in most parts of Southern Africa. 

President Emmerson Mnangagwa accepted the donation Wednesday, saying it would help alleviate the drought Zimbabwe is coping with and the targeted sanctions which the government has long blamed for the country’s economic doldrums. 

“Zimbabwe and the Russian Federation continue to be subjected to the heinous and illegal sanctions imposed by the hegemonic powers of the West,” he said. “Throughout the 23 years of sanctions against Zimbabwe, the Russian Federation has been a true, trusted and dependable ally of the people of this country.” 

The president added that it should be no surprise that two countries who are the subject of sanctions talk to each other and try to work together. 

Western countries slapped travel and financial sanctions on Zimbabwe’s leadership and affiliated companies in the early 2000s for alleged election rigging and human rights abuses.  

The U.S. recently removed sanctions on most Zimbabweans, but a few prominent figures — including Mnangagwa — remain on the list. 

Meanwhile, Russia and its president Vladimir Putin were hit with sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago. 

On Wednesday, the Russian ambassador to Harare, Nikolai Krasilnikov, said the donated fertilizers would aid Zimbabwe’s agricultural production. 

“It is a commitment made by Russia to continue to support states and regions in need to do its utmost to prevent a global food crisis through participation in establishing a more equitable system for the distribution of resources,” Krasilnikov said. “And let us not forget that food security cannot [be achieved] without fertilizers, as they ensure growth, resilience and productivity of agricultural crops.”  

However, the fertilizers may not work in Zimbabwe’s current growing season, as most crops have been dried out by a lack of rain. 

In an interview, Alexander Rusero, an international relations professor at Africa University, said he was not surprised by Russia’s donations to Zimbabwe. 

“Zimbabwe does not have an ambivalent foreign policy with regards to Russia,” Rusero said. “Its position in terms of its interaction with Russia [is] very clear. Zimbabwe is on the side of Russia at whatever cost so it is not surprising. I wouldn’t know why it looks like a surprise that Zimbabwe has received some gift from Russia. And remember, these are fulfillments of pledges already made some time ago.” 

Zimbabwe’s electoral commission sent a mission to Moscow to observe the Russian elections this week in which Putin won another six-year term. At a press conference in Moscow, commission chair Priscilla Chigumba declared the elections to be credible. 

“We found the general atmosphere to be conducive for elections, the mood was relaxed and cheerful as people were exercising their right to vote,” Chigumba said. “It is our view that this is a clear sign of mature democracy in which elections are not perceived as life and death activity.”

The remarks drew wide criticism in Zimbabwe, given the way the electoral commission ran the country’s 2023 elections, which were plagued by irregularities and delays and were condemned by several observer missions, including from the Southern African Development Community.

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Berlin Summons Iran Ambassador Over 2022 Synagogue Plot

BERLIN — Germany on Wednesday said it had summoned the Iranian ambassador over an attempted arson attack on a synagogue in 2022 that Berlin believes was planned with the help of Tehran. 

A German Iranian national was sentenced in December to two years and nine months in prison in the plot to attack a synagogue in the western German city of Bochum. 

The 36-year-old, identified only as Babak J., had planned to target the synagogue but ended up throwing an incendiary device at an adjacent school building. No one was injured. 

In handing down the verdict, the Duesseldorf court said the attack had been planned with the help of “Iranian state agencies.” 

The foreign ministry on Wednesday said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that it had summoned the Iranian envoy after receiving a written justification of the judgment. 

“We will now immediately share the judgment with our European partners and the EU institutions and examine further steps,” the ministry said. 

Germany also summoned Iran’s charge d’affaires in December over the plot. 

A summoning is a way for a nation to show high-level disapproval with another country. 

Germany has grown increasingly alarmed in recent years about rising anti-Jewish sentiment nearly eight decades after the end of the Holocaust. 

Anti-Semitic acts have increased sharply in the country amid the latest turmoil in the Middle East, according to the Federal Association of Research and Information Centers on Anti-Semitism. 

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Insurgents Launch Deadly Attack on Pakistani City Housing China-run Port

ISLAMABAD — Authorities in Pakistan said Wednesday six people, mostly security personnel, were killed when a group of heavily armed “terrorists” stormed a government building in the southwestern city of Gwadar, home to a China-run port.

A senior security official confirmed the casualties, telling VOA that Pakistani forces “swiftly engaged” and killed “all seven assailants” in a fierce gunfight. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to interact with the media.  

The outlawed Baloch Liberation Army, or BLA, claimed responsibility for staging the afternoon assault on the Gwadar Port Authority complex, which houses civilian and security-related offices.

In a statement sent to reporters, the group, designated as a global terrorist organization by the United States, claimed that members of its so-called suicide squad, the Majeed Brigade, carried out the attack. It shared no further details.

“The attack began with a vehicle-born bomb, but thank God it could not explode,” the security official told VOA. The insurgents carrying “hand grenades, rocket launchers, and automatic assault rifles later raided the building, but they were killed in the retaliatory fire,” he said.  

Residents and witnesses reported several explosions followed by continuous firing.  

The deep-water Gwadar port in Pakistan’s southwestern Baluchistan province port is located near the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil shipping route in the Arabian Sea.  

China built and directly operates the port. It is central to the multibillion-dollar bilateral collaboration known as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, or CPEC, an extension of Beijing’s global Belt and Road Initiative, an infrastructure project.

The bilateral undertaking has brought more than $25 billion in Chinese investment over the past decade, building road networks, power plants, and other infrastructure projects, including Gwadar.

Baluchistan has experienced a decades-long insurgency spearheaded by BLA and other outlawed groups. Insurgents also have attacked Chinese nationals working on CPEC and other projects in Pakistan, killing several of them in recent years.  

Last August, Baloch insurgents ambushed a convoy of 23 Chinese engineers in Gwadar with a roadside bomb blast before opening fire on them, but no foreigners were harmed. BLA also claimed responsibility for that attack.  

Additionally, China is building an international airport in the coastal city. Pakistani officials say it is expected to be inaugurated later this year.

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 South African Media Outlet Files Complaint Over Op-Ed

Johannesburg — One of South Africa’s leading news websites has filed a complaint with the country’s Press Council, alleging that another media company is trying to discredit reporters who investigated the owner’s business practices.

News24 and industry analysts claim that the Independent Media group is failing to respect the usual “firewall” that exists between owners and editorial departments.

Independent Media is a multi-platform company with numerous newspapers and websites. News24 claims that it uses those publications to put out hit pieces on its critics, including op-eds that News24 claims are written under fake bylines, and which try to discredit other reporters.

The dispute comes after an Independent Media website, IOL, published an op-ed comparing News24 legal reporter Karyn Maughan to a Nazi propagandist.

Maughan regularly reports on court cases involving Iqbal Survé, the chair of Sekunjalo, a South African private equity company. Survé is in court fighting the decisions by several major banks to close his companies’ accounts on the basis that they pose “reputational risks.”

An op-ed, published under the byline Edmond Phiri on March 3, accused Maughan of unfairly reporting on Survé’s legal woes.  

The graphic that went with the article depicted Maughan, who is white, in front of an apartheid flag and accused her of racism in her reporting on Sekunjalo, a Black-owned company.

Maughan’s colleagues deplored the op-ed as a hit piece.

Pieter du Toit, assistant editor for investigations at News24, told VOA they have sought legal advice and filed a complaint to the Press Council.

The complaint, he says, will be “one of the first times, if not the first time, that one media house has lodged a complaint against another media house.”

“The interests of Independent’s owner Iqbal Survé have become so intertwined with the interests of the media company that they have become completely inseparable,” he added.

A News24 investigation published in March claimed that Survé was “waging a public-relations war, using a team of pliant journalists, PR staffers, and seemingly fictitious opinion writers to polish his image and attack journalists critical of him.” 

The investigation found no evidence of a writer named Edmond Phiri living in South Africa. When News24 contacted Independent Media’s editor in chief to ask for the op-ed writer’s contact details, they were given an address at an encrypted email service.  

When they wrote to Phiri asking for an interview, they received a bizarrely worded response that a digital analyst said appeared to be partially AI-written.  

“It’s pretty clear to us, based on the evidence that we were able to gather … that this writer, and other writers, simply do not exist as human beings,” said du Toit.

“The only conclusion that we can reach is that these are all bots and/or AI-generated opinion pieces, or opinion pieces written under pseudonyms, purely designed to denigrate and attack another media house.”

News24 is not the first to allege that Independent Media uses fake writers. Journalist Ferial Haffajee wrote a similar article in The Daily Maverick in 2022 citing a report by nonprofit data journalism lab Code for Africa.  

That report found no evidence that an Independent Media writer named “Jamie Roz,” who had also been publishing pieces defending Sekunjalo’s business interests, existed.

Independent’s response

Asked for her response to the News24 investigation, Independent Media editor in chief Adri Senekal De Wet, referred VOA to a statement by Sekunjalo.  

“The article is yet another attempt to smear and undermine Sekunjalo, Independent Media and its chairman, Dr Iqbal Survé. The allegations, relying on innuendo and lacking any concrete evidence, are dismissed outright by Sekunjalo,” the statement said. 

“We categorically reject the baseless and preposterous claims made by News24 that Independent Media opinion writers are part of a ‘PR’ campaign for Sekunjalo or our chairman,” it continued. “Any suggestion that a chairman of a media conglomerate controls and runs the editorial process, as the article implies, is both laughable and without basis.”

Separate to this statement, Independent Media published a follow-up op-ed by Phiri that dismissed News24’s claim that he was not real.  

“This is an outright lie, and they back it up with no credible evidence. The claim by News24 is an attempt to reduce my opinion pieces to some PR-controlled efforts,” the op-ed ran.  

The op-ed again criticized News24 along racial lines, saying: “Deploying an army of journalists and cyber investigators to trace me, rather than engaging with the substance of my arguments, is a brute force intimidation tactic reminiscent of apartheid-era suppression of dissenting views.”

Women journalists targeted

Media analysts say the op-ed on Maughan reflects a wider trend of female journalists being harassed or discredited.

“It’s unacceptable that such abuse and disappointing piece should even be allowed to be published. Media owners are always discouraged to use their publications for such nefarious intentions,” Reggy Moalusi, director of the South African National Editors Forum, or SANEF, told VOA.  

The SANEF earlier this month noted that South Africa’s female journalists are often targets of bullying.  

In the op-ed on Maughan, the SANEF noted, “The piece went beyond a publication giving a platform to someone to air their views,” adding that the “accompanying picture/graphic on the article had a gun pointed at her image, which was a clear indication of its intention to incite violence against her.” 

The editor’s forum acknowledged the harassment female journalists confront, including cyberbullying.

Anton Harber, a former journalism professor at Johannesburg University of the Witwatersrand, says that women journalists in South Africa are more often targeted then their male counterparts.  

Such attacks, he said, are “harmful to journalism as a whole because we all know journalism is in a global credibility crisis.”

Speaking about the Survé case, Harber said the case shows “an absolute breakdown of the wall that’s supposed to exist, or the barriers that are meant to exist between owners, publishers, and journalism.”

Du Toit at News24 says the media group is waiting for the Press Council to respond to the complaint filed Monday. The council can forward complaints to an ombudsman who rules on the case and has power to request retractions or apologies.

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We Don’t Want Armed Conflict With Afghanistan, Pakistani Defense Minister Tells VOA

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s Defense Minister Khawaja Asif says his country does not want to engage in an armed conflict with neighbor Afghanistan after Islamabad conducted airstrikes this week on alleged terrorist hideouts across the border.

“Force is the last resort. We do not want to have an armed conflict with Afghanistan,” Asif said, speaking exclusively to VOA.

However, he warned that Islamabad could block the corridor it provides to landlocked Afghanistan for trade with India, saying Pakistan has the right to stop facilitating Kabul if it fails to curb anti-Pakistan terrorists operating on Afghan soil.

“If Afghanistan treats us like an enemy, then why should we give them a trade corridor?” he said.

On Monday, Pakistan confirmed carrying out “intelligence-based anti-terrorist” operations along the border inside Afghanistan targeting banned terrorist outfit Tehrik-e-Taliban and its affiliates.

The strikes came after insurgents killed seven troops, including two officers, in an attack on a regional military base in Pakistan’s border district of North Waziristan on Saturday.

Pakistan alleges that fighters linked to Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP, and groups supporting it have a haven in Afghanistan.

Intelligence assessments by the United Nations affirm the TTP presence in Afghanistan and say some ruling Afghan Taliban members have joined its ranks.

“A message needed to be sent that this [cross-border terrorism] has grown too much,” Asif told VOA, adding that Pakistan wanted to convey to the de facto rulers in Kabul “that we cannot continue like this.”

Pakistan has experienced a surge in terror attacks since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in August 2021.

The Afghan Taliban initially brokered talks between Pakistan and TTP, but the latter unilaterally ended a cease-fire in November 2022. Since then, Pakistan has seen a dramatic rise in attacks, primarily against military and security personnel in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces bordering Afghanistan.

An estimated 5,000 to 6,000 TTP fighters are present in Afghanistan. They took refuge across the border after Pakistan conducted massive military operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to flush out terrorists almost a decade ago.

The militant group also provided battlefield support to the Afghan Taliban in their 20-year war against a U.S.-backed government in Kabul.

Asif said that in a visit to Kabul in February 2023, he told Taliban ministers not to let the TTP’s past favors tie Kabul’s hands.

“If they [TTP] have done you a favor and you’re grateful to them, then control them. Don’t let them start a war with us while living in your country, and you become their ally,” he said.

The Taliban denies harboring anti-Pakistan terrorists. Reacting strongly to Monday’s strikes, which Kabul alleged killed eight civilians, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid warned of serious consequences.

“Pakistan should not blame Afghanistan for the lack of control, incompetence and problems in its own territory. Such incidents can have very bad consequences, which will be out of Pakistan’s control,” Mujahid said in a statement.

The Taliban Defense Ministry later confirmed that its security forces targeted Pakistani positions with “heavy weapons.”

Since Tuesday, a tense calm has prevailed along the 2,600-kilometer-long border (1,616 miles).

Experts say that while the Taliban do not have the military might to attack Pakistan, the Afghan Taliban could use unconventional means, including actively supporting anti-Pakistan militants, to respond if aggression from Islamabad grows.

“If they can harm us, then we’ll be forced to [retaliate],” Asif said, while expressing hope that Afghanistan would meet the “single demand” of reining in TTP, preventing the need for future military strikes from Pakistan.

The defense minister alleged that Kabul was letting TTP operate against Pakistan in a bid to prevent its members from joining the Islamic State terrorist outfit’s local chapter, known as IS-Khorasan Province. Known commonly as IS-KP, the group is a major internal security threat for Afghanistan.

Reacting to Monday’s strikes, the U.S. State Department urged Pakistan and Afghan Taliban to take steps to address differences.

“We urge the Taliban to ensure that terrorist attacks are not launched from Afghan soil, and we urge Pakistan to exercise restraint and ensure civilians are not harmed in their counterterrorism efforts,” deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel told media during a regular press briefing Monday.

Pakistan’s biggest ally, China, has remained silent on the cross-border fighting. Asif dismissed the lack of public support from Beijing.

“It’s not necessary that the world must applaud us. What is in our interest is enough for us. We are protecting our interest, irrespective of whether someone applauds us or not,” Asif said.

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Cameroon’s Opposition Says It Won’t Stop Efforts to Oust Biya Despite Threats

YAOUNDE, CAMEROON — The Cameroon government has threatened to arrest members of two opposition parties, accusing them of seeking to create coalitions and alliances for a transitional government to oust 90-year-old President Paul Biya, who has been in power for more than four decades.

Territorial Administration Minister Paul Atanga Nji last week ordered an end to activities of the Political Alliance for Change and the Alliance for Political Transition in Cameroon.

Nji said that only legally recognized political parties have the right to exercise political activities in Cameroon and that people who join the two illegal alliances would be arrested.

Cameroon opposition and civil society groups say the recent ban on activities of the two alliances is another indication that Cameroon disrespects democracy and fundamental rights to freedoms.

Roger Justin Noah, a spokesperson for the opposition Cameroon Renaissance Movement, said the opposition will not be intimidated by government officials and Biya supporters.

Rather, he said, it is the Cameroon government that has become nervous about the growing popularity of opposition leader Maurice Kamto after more than 30 civil society and opposition groups joined the Political Alliance for Change that Kamto leads.

Kamto claims that he won the October 2018 presidential election and that Biya stole his victory.

Noah said the Political Alliance for Change is encouraging Cameroonians unhappy with Biya’s rule of 40-plus years to register to vote in the 2025 presidential polls, be ready to defend their votes and report any incidents of fraud or irregularities.

Opposition parties say the Cameroon government is exhibiting bad faith by banning opposition coalitions but allowing other parties to gather support for Biya’s ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement.

Rene Emmanuel Sadi, Cameroon’s communication minister and government spokesperson, said there is no reason for some opposition parties to create alliances for a political transition when state institutions are fully functioning and Biya is indisputably exercising his functions as president.

Sadi, who spoke in an interview broadcast by Cameroon state radio CRTV this week and the international media organ RFI several times within the past seven days, said the opposition is trying to pressure Biya to declare whether he will be a candidate in 2025. Sadi said Biya will announce his decision in 2025, shortly before the election.

The government also threatened to arrest members of the alliances who the government says visited jailed rebel leaders to negotiate an end to a separatist crisis that has killed over 6,000 people in Cameroon’s English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions. The separatists say they want to create an independent English-speaking state separate from the French-speaking majority.

Cameroon’s opposition accuses the Biya government of using excessive military force instead of negotiations and dialogue to solve what the opposition says is a political crisis in English-speaking regions.

Biya is Africa’s second-longest serving leader, after the president of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has been in power since 1979.

Biya was Cameroon’s prime minister and became president in 1982 after his predecessor, Cameroon’s first president following the country’s independence from France, stepped down due to health.

Cameroon’s opposition and civil society say Biya rules with an iron fist and is not ready to relinquish power until he dies, a claim Biya’s supporters deny.

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Spanish Court Grants Bail to Soccer Star Dani Alves While Appealing Rape Conviction 

BARCELONA, Spain — A Spanish court decided Wednesday that Brazilian soccer star Dani Alves could leave prison if he pays a bail of one million euros ($1.1 million) and hands over his passports while awaiting the appeal of his conviction for raping a woman in Barcelona.

Alves was found guilty of having raped the woman in a nightclub in 2022 and sentenced to four years and six months in prison. He denied wrongdoing during the three-day trial.

He has been behind bars since being arrested in January 2023. His prior requests to be released on bail were denied because the court deemed him a flight risk. Brazil does not extradite its own citizens when they are sentenced in other countries.

To now go free, in addition to the bail money, the 40-year-old Alves is also required to hand over his Brazilian and Spanish passports and is prohibited from leaving the country. He also cannot come within 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) of the victim or try to communicate with her and must make weekly check-ins at the courthouse. He still has a residence near the city.

The decision came a day after a hearing where Alves told the court via video conference from prison that he had no intention of fleeing the country, according to his lawyer, Inés Guardiola.

Guardiola and the state prosecutor have appealed the conviction. His defense is seeking his acquittal while the prosecutor wants his prison sentence increased to nine years. The victim’s lawyer wants him put away for 12 years. There is no date yet for the new trial at a higher court in Barcelona. After that, it can then go to the Supreme Court in Madrid.

The panel of judges at the Provincial Court in Barcelona was split on the decision, two to one. The judges in favor of granting Alves bail said that they believed the flight risk had lowered, adding that they considered the fact that Alves responded to police summons when he was arrested while visiting Spain. The other judge disagreed, saying he was still able to flee despite the restrictions placed on him.

Another factor cited by the two judges was that according to Spanish law a person cannot be kept in preventative detention for more than half the period of his or her prison sentence while awaiting an appeal. In Alves’ case that leaves him just over a year before he would reach the mid-way mark of two years, three months, while the appeals could easily take longer. Once his appeals are exhausted, and if his conviction is maintained, then depending on the final sentence he could go back to prison.

As part of his conviction, the court ordered Alves to pay 150,000 euros ($162,000) in compensation to the victim, banned him from approaching the victim’s home or place of work, and from communicating with her by any means for nine years.

He was with Mexican club Pumas when he was arrested. Pumas terminated his contract immediately.

Alves won dozens of titles with elite clubs including Barcelona. He helped Brazil win two Copa Americas and an Olympic gold medal. He played for Barcelona from 2008-16, helping to win three Champions Leagues, and briefly rejoined the club in 2022.

Alves is being held at Brians 2 prison about 45 minutes northwest of Barcelona.

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Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar to Step Down

LONDON — Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who made history as his country’s first gay and first biracial leader, announced Wednesday that he will step down within weeks once a successor is chosen.

Varadkar announced Wednesday he is quitting immediately as head of the center-right Fine Gael party, part of Ireland’s coalition government. He’ll be replaced as prime minister in April after a party leadership contest. 

He said his reasons were “both personal and political” and he had no firm future plans. He said he plans to remain in parliament as a backbench lawmaker. 

Varadkar, 45, has had two spells as taoiseach, or prime minister — between 2017 and 2020, and again since December 2022 as part of a job-share with Micheál Martin, head of coalition partner Fianna Fáil. 

He was the country’s youngest-ever leader when first elected, as well as Ireland’s first openly gay prime minister. Varadkar, whose mother is Irish and father is Indian, was also Ireland’s first biracial taoiseach. 

He played a leading role in campaigns to legalize same-sex marriage, approved in a 2015 referendum, and to repeal a ban on abortion, which passed in a vote in 2018. 

“I’m proud that we have made the country a more equal and more modern place,” Varadkar said in a resignation statement in Dublin. 

Varadkar recently returned from Washington, where he met President Joe Biden and other political leaders as part of the Irish prime minister’s traditional St. Patrick’s Day visit to the United States. 

Varadkar has faced discontent within Fine Gael. Ten of the party’s lawmakers, almost a third of the total, have announced they will not run for reelection. 

Earlier this month, voters rejected the government’s position in referendums on two constitutional amendments. Changes backed by Varadkar that would have broadened the definition of family and removed language about a woman’s role in the home were resoundingly defeated. The result sparked criticism that the pro-change campaign had been lackluster and confusing. 

Even so, his resignation was not widely expected. Martin, the current deputy prime minister, said he’d been “surprised, obviously, when I heard what he was going to do.” 

“But I want to take the opportunity to thank him sincerely,” Martin said. “We got on very well.” 

Martin said Varadkar’s resignation should not trigger an early election, and the three-party coalition government that also includes the Green Party would continue. 

Varadkar said he knew his departure would “come as a surprise to many people and a disappointment to some.” 

“I know that others will, how shall I put it, cope with the news just fine – that is the great thing about living in a democracy,” he said. “There’s never a right time to resign high office. However, this is as good a time as any.”

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IMF, Pakistan Strike Preliminary Deal for Final Bailout Payment

ISLAMABAD — The International Monetary Fund said Wednesday it had reached a preliminary agreement with Pakistan’s newly elected government for the last payment under a $3 billion bailout package.

The global lender made the announcement at the conclusion of nearly weeklong discussions with officials in Islamabad aimed at reviewing the 9-month stand-by arrangement (SBA), which was secured last year to avert a sovereign debt default.

“The IMF team has reached a staff-level agreement with the Pakistani authorities on the second and final review of Pakistan’s stabilization program,” said Nathan Porter, the head of the IMF delegation.

“This agreement is subject to approval by the IMF’s executive board, upon which the remaining access under the SBA, $1.1 billion, will become available,” he added.

Pakistan has already received about $1.9 billion from the program, which will expire in April.

Porter acknowledged that Pakistan’s economic and financial position improved in the months following the establishment of the SBA program.

However, economic growth “is expected to be modest this year,” and inflation “remains well above the target,” the statement said.

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif chaired a cabinet meeting Wednesday, during which participants were informed about signing the staff-level agreement with the IMF.  Sharif’s office said after the meeting that the deal would help “improve the country’s economy and increase investors’ confidence.”

The IMF confirmed that Islamabad had also expressed interest in a successor medium-term funding program “with the aim of permanently resolving” the cash-strapped South Asian nation’s “deep-seated economic vulnerabilities.”

Pakistan Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said in the lead-up to the discussions with the IMF delegation that his government would use the opportunity to make a case for “a longer and larger” loan program under the lender’s Extended Fund Facility.

Media reports suggested that Islamabad was seeking an IMF loan of at least $6 billion, but Aurangzeb did not disclose the size of the additional loan.

The Extended Fund Facility provides financial assistance to countries facing serious medium-term balance of payments problems because of structural weaknesses that require time to address.

Analysts say that Pakistan’s debt-ridden economy is facing severe challenges despite having secured more than 20 IMF loan programs over the years. The economy is struggling due to the absence of critical reforms, dwindling foreign exchange reserves, a balance of payment crisis, soaring inflation, record depreciation of the Pakistani currency, and persistent political instability.

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China, Not Russia, Still Tops List of Threats to US

WASHINGTON — Russia’s war in Ukraine — portrayed by top U.S. officials as posing a danger to the United States itself — still trails China when it comes to long-term threats to America’s security, according to a top Pentagon official.

The warning from Ely Ratner, the Defense Department’s assistant secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs, comes in testimony prepared for a hearing Wednesday by the House Armed Services Committee on security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.

“The PRC [People’s Republic of China] continues to present the most comprehensive and serious challenge to our national security,” Ratner is set to tell lawmakers, according to a copy his opening statement obtained by VOA.

“The PRC remains the only country with the will and increasingly the capability to dominate the Indo-Pacific region and displace the United States,” Ratner warns, adding, “the PRC is pursuing its revisionist goals with increasingly coercive activities in the Taiwan Strait, the South and East China seas, along the Line of Actual Control with India, and beyond.”

This is not the first time Ratner has addressed the growing threat from Beijing.

In October he called out China’s military for what he described as a “sharp increase” in risky behavior in the East and South China seas.

Ratner also cautioned, separately, that China’s leaders were “increasingly turning to the PLA [People’s Liberation Army] as an instrument of coercion.”

Additionally, the Pentagon’s annual China Military Power report said that China’s nuclear arsenal has been growing faster than expected, while Beijing is building out the infrastructure needed for a further expansion of its nuclear forces.

China has responded to such allegations by accusing the U.S. of “hyping up” the threat.

On Tuesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a warning of his own, emphasizing the threat from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The United States stands by Ukraine because it’s the right thing to do,” Austin told a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Ramstein, Germany. “But we also stand by Ukraine because it’s crucial to our own security.”

“The United States would face grave new perils in a world where aggression and autocracy are on the march and where tyrants are emboldened and where dictators think that they can wipe out democracy off the map,” he said.

U.S. intelligence officials argued recently that the threats from Russia and China are linked, and that Russia’s war has served to embolden China’s leadership.

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told lawmakers earlier this month that Beijing has managed to get long-sought concessions from Moscow in exchange for support for Russia’s war in Ukraine.

And CIA Director William Burns said Russian success in Ukraine could “stoke the ambitions of the Chinese leadership in contingencies ranging from Taiwan to the South China Sea.”

Ratner is set to tell U.S. lawmakers Wednesday that the Defense Department is working to strengthen key alliances in the Indo-Pacific and develop what he calls a “regional force posture” including Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia.

He is also set to testify that the Pentagon’s proposed 2025 budget is placing a priority on investments in air, sea and undersea power, as well as in modernizing U.S. nuclear forces with an eye toward Beijing’s own military modernization efforts.


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Detained Congolese Journalist Bujakera Has Been Freed, Lawyer Says

KINSHASA, Congo — Stanis Bujakera, a journalist detained since last September in Congo on charges of spreading false information, was released on Tuesday, his lawyer said.

The lawyer, Yana Ndikulu, said Bujakera — who works for international media including Reuters and Jeune Afrique — was released on Tuesday evening from the prison in the capital Kinshasa where he was being held.

“Our client is free,” Ndikulu said.

Bujakera told Reuters the director of the prison had told him he was free to leave shortly after 9:30 p.m. local time.

A court in Kinshasa on Monday had found Bujakera guilty of spreading false information, among other charges.

It sentenced him to six months in prison and fined him 1 million Congolese francs ($364). His legal team said after that ruling that Bujakera would be released on Tuesday because he had already served his sentence.

But the release was unexpectedly suspended after news emerged on Tuesday evening that the state prosecutor in the case had lodged an appeal against the sentence. About three hours later, however, Bujakera’s lawyers said the prosecutor had withdrawn his appeal, paving the way for his release.

Contacted by Reuters after the release, the prosecutor said he could not comment further.

Bujakera was arrested in September on suspicion of spreading false information about the killing of a prominent opposition politician in an article published by Jeune Afrique, the French news magazine has said.

The prosecutor in the case earlier this month had asked the court in Kinshasa to sentence Bujakera to 20 years in prison.

Local and international rights groups including Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International had condemned Bujakera’s detention, calling it an attack on press freedom. Reuters had also called for his release.

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Secretary of Defense: ‘United States Will Not Let Ukraine Fail’

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says the United States remains determined to provide Ukraine with the resources to fight Russian aggression, even as the U.S. Congress has failed to pass supplemental aid for Ukraine. VOA Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb traveled to Ramstein Air Base in Germany with the secretary.

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South Africa Accuses US Congress of Adding it to a New ‘Axis of Evil’ Over Israel Genocide Case

WASHINGTON — South Africa seeks to limit the damage to its relations with Washington caused by its legal challenge to Israel’s assault on Gaza, a South African official said on Tuesday.

Naledi Pandor, who is South Africa’s minister of international relations and cooperation, is in Washington seeking to sway members of the U.S. Congress from a proposed law that would further strain U.S. ties to Africa’s most vibrant democracy and a major mining, banking and manufacturing hub.

“I think there’s an attempt to take up punitive action against South Africa, this sort of axis of evil notion that’s very much part of the political culture,” Pandor said in response to a question from VOA at South Africa’s embassy in Washington.

In December, South Africa filed an application to institute proceedings against Israel at the United Nations’ top court. Pretoria argues that Israel’s actions in Gaza are “genocidal in character,” and aim to “destroy Palestinians in Gaza.”

In March, South Africa requested further measures from the International Court of Justice, accusing Israel of weaponizing starvation by preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the sealed-off exclave.

Israel’s government has denounced the case, and the White House told VOA in January it considers it “meritless.”

The case has since inspired a bipartisan push in the U.S. Congress for legislation mandating a full review of the bilateral relationship with South Africa. The draft bill, filed by Republican Representative John James and Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz, claims that the actions of South Africa’s long-ruling African National Congress “are inconsistent with its publicly stated policy of nonalignment in international affairs.”

“South Africa has been building ties to countries and actors that undermine America’s national security and threaten our way of life through its military and political cooperation with China and Russia and its support of U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hamas,” James said in a statement when he introduced the bill in February. “We must examine our alliances and disentangle from those who remain willing to work with our adversaries.”

Pandor, who also met with think tanks and spoke publicly while in Washington, said she intended to remind members of Congress of the value of South Africa, on its own and as a gateway to the continent.

“We believe that any action to diminish the relationship would be most unwise,” she said, in response to another question from VOA. “Because these are two key democracies in the regions in which we exist.”

She said she believes the relationship between the United States and South Africa can help to promote peace and democracy on the African continent — and to support the agenda of development in Africa — “because I can’t imagine how initiatives directed at greater trade and development would become operational if the institutional capacity of South Africa is not utilized.”

South Africa is also a major beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which offers duty-free U.S. market access to 32 African nations. Congress must vote on whether to extend the program beyond 2025.

VOA asked Pandor whether the high-stakes diplomatic pushback has been worth it.

“What I do know is if there’s a struggle underway, the longer you take to address the demands of a struggle, the more violent and vicious the struggle becomes,” she replied. “So, the sooner you address peace and negotiations, the greater the opportunity for everybody to enjoy peace and security. This is the lesson of South Africa.”

And VOA asked analyst Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, if South Africa’s case had done anything to stop the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

“I don’t think South Africa has reframed this conflict. I don’t think South Africa has really changed the direction at this point,” he said. “But it’s a thread that runs through it — this concern that South Africa has history which makes it especially sensitive to issues of discrimination and genocide. … It certainly added an element to conversation that wasn’t there until South Africa pushed it as aggressively as it did.”

Pandor, a veteran member of the long-ruling African National Congress, stressed that Pretoria’s problem is not with the White House. She told VOA she had not sought meetings with President Joe Biden or Secretary of State Antony Blinken during her Washington visit.

“The executive understands [South Africa] far more than Congress,” she said.

When asked what she’d tell Biden, Pandor’s answer was short.

“Cease-fire,” she said. “Now.”

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