Zimbabwe Protests Stopped by Government Soldiers

A heavy security presence in Zimbabwe’s capital Friday shut down planned opposition protests against the government’s handling of corruption and the economy.On social media Friday, Zimbabwean police said the country was “calm and peaceful” and urged the public to continue with their normal day-to-day activities “with the full knowledge that their safety and security is guaranteed.” In Harare, however, armed soldiers and police ordered shops to close down early and sealed off all roads leading to the central business district.Armed soldiers and police ordered shops to close down early and sealed off all roads leading to the central business district, Harare, July 31, 2020. (Columbus Mavhunga/VOA)While a handful of demonstrators tried to gather, security forces made sure that protests planned by opposition groups never got off the ground.Makomborero Haruzivishe, one of the organizers of the protests, spoke to VOA by phone from an undisclosed location, saying he characterized the day as a victory for the opposition.“For us, the demonstration was very successful. Because we are all usually victims of ZANU-PF, we are all victims of corruption, but when we call for demonstrations against poverty, against high prices, usually people of Zimbabwe will get into streets,” he said.”But today we made a strategy and shut down and went home and left police officers and soldiers to demonstrate on our behalf in the streets,” he continued. “If you check the amount of resources that were used to deploy those merchants of terror by the panicking Mnangagwa regime, so we have delivered a score: There was people’s powered shutdown. This is just the beginning of weeks, months revolution.”Tafadzwa Mugwadi, spokesman for the ruling Zanu PF party, says Zimbabweans snubbed the Friday protest calls because of the coronavirus epidemic, in Harare, July 21, 2020. (Columbus Mavhunga/VOA)Haruzivishe is one of 14 political activists being sought by police in connection with the protests, which were not sanctioned by authorities, as required by law.Tafadzwa Mugwadi, the spokesman for the ruling ZANU-PF party, said Zimbabweans snubbed the protest calls because of the coronavirus epidemic. Business owner and ZANU-PF supporter Samson Malibho says he was against the protests because they affect his business of mending tires in Highfields, one of Harare’s poorest suburbs, July 31, 2020. (Columbus Mavhunga/VOA)“It is … clear that Zimbabweans (are) aware of the realities of COVID-19 and this is why they have spurned and literally have refused to participate in the purported demonstrations that had been called irresponsibly by merchants of death,” Mugwadi said.ZANU-PF supporter Samson Malibho said he was against the protests because they affect his business of mending tires in Highfields, one of Harare’s poorest suburbs.“It’s a dead day, people are not moving around because of the opposition planned protests,” he said. “There is no business activity. People have been ordered to remain indoors to contain the protests. Such events – protests – are useless and affect our livelihoods, we depend on informal businesses.”Abduction trialMeanwhile, the trial of three female Zimbabwe opposition leaders facing charges of faking their abduction began Friday.The women disappeared for two days in May and said they were kidnapped and beaten by state security agents.Women’s rights group Equality Now released a statement calling for the charges against the trio to be dropped.  The three – Joana Mamombe, Netsai Marova and Cecilia Chimbiri – face 10 years in jail if convicted. 

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US Pulling Africa Command from Germany

The United States is preparing to pull more troops from Germany, days after President Donald Trump criticized the country for being “delinquent” on defense spending.U.S. Africa Command confirmed Friday it is in the early stages of moving its headquarters from the city of Stuttgart, where it has been located since the command was first stood up in 2008.“U.S. Africa Command has been told to plan to move,” its commander, Gen. Stephen Townsend, said in a statement. “While it will likely take several months to develop options, consider locations, and come to a decision, the command has started the process.”U.S. military officials have been looking for months at reducing the approximately 6,000 troops stationed in Africa.  FILE – U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend watches during a tour north of Baghdad, Iraq, Feb. 8, 2017.“It is important our African partners understand our commitment to them remains strong,” Townsend said in Friday’s statement, adding his command “will continue to work with our African and other partners to address mutual interests.”While a new site for the command headquarters has not yet been chosen, an AFRICOM official told VOA that planners will be looking first to other European countries, and then at moving the command to the U.S.“The team will look at available infrastructure, housing, access to transportation, adequate medical care, and a range of other consideration factors,” said AFRICOM spokesman Col. Chris Karns.“It will be a deliberate and orderly approach and process,” he added, noting, “It was important to let partners as well as personnel and families know that planning is under way.”Africa itself, where the U.S. has long tried to maintain a small military footprint, is not under consideration, officials said.Just how much moving AFRICOM’s headquarters from Stuttgart will cost, and how much money could be saved by using another location, has yet to be determined.Reaction to changesWhile U.S. military officials argue the changes are strategically necessary and will give them more flexibility, German officials have expressed disappointment at the U.S. decision to pull some 12,000 troops from the country.FILE – Norbert Roettgen, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, speaks during a press conference in Berlin, Germany, Feb. 18, 2020.”Instead of strengthening NATO, the troop withdrawal will weaken the alliance,” Norbert Roettgen, a senior ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the chairman of the German parliament’s foreign affairs committee, told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper.U.S. lawmakers, including some Republicans who often side with Trump, have also raised concerns about the changes, though Sen. Jim Inhofe, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has called the moves “sound.”Trump defended the decision to pull troops out of Germany earlier this week, suggesting the U.S. could move troops based with other NATO allies if those countries do not increase defense spending.”We don’t want to be the suckers anymore,” he told reporters Wednesday.But some analysts have raised concerns that moving troops and critical commands from Germany will hurt overall operations.“We get huge benefits from our U.S. military posture in Germany,” said Bradley Bowman, a former adviser to members of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees.“We are able to project U.S. military power into North Africa and the Middle East much more effectively because of our military posture in Germany,” said Bowman, now with the Washington-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. 

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Requirements for Huawei Official’s Extradition to US Have Been Met, Canada Says

Canada’s attorney general says the requirements for extraditing Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou to the United States on charges of bank fraud have been met, documents submitted in a British Columbia court show.Meng, 48, was arrested in December 2018 on a warrant from the United States, which alleges that she misled the bank HSBC about Huawei’s business dealings in Iran.Meng has been under house arrest in Vancouver since then, fighting extradition, and has said she is innocent. Her case has caused a diplomatic row between Canada and China, which has demanded that Meng be released. China detained two Canadians after Meng’s arrest.The documents, which were filed last week and released to media Friday, are a precursor to the formal hearing on committal, or whether Meng should be extradited to the United States. Those hearings will take place in April 2021.The documents outline the evidence in support of Meng’s custody and conclude that the test for committal has been met.Assessment of charges’ potentialThe extradition hearings are not a full trial on the charges laid by the United States, the documents state, only whether there is the potential for those charges to be found valid.”The evidence demonstrates that Ms. Meng deliberately made dishonest representations to HSBC in an attempt to preserve Huawei’s relationship with the bank,” lawyers for the Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General David Lametti wrote.”Since Ms. Meng concedes that she is the person sought for prosecution for the conduct set out in the extradition request, all of the formal requirements for committal are established.”Huawei declined to comment and pointed instead to its past legal submissions on its arguments.In May, a judge in British Columbia’s Superior Court found that the legal standard of double criminality — meaning that Meng’s actions could be considered a crime in both Canada and the United States — had been met, dealing a blow to hopes for a quick end to the trial.The next hearings, scheduled for August 17-21 in Vancouver, will discuss whether the attorney general’s assertion of privilege in declining to release some documents requested by Huawei relating to Meng’s initial arrest is valid.Hearings for the trial are scheduled to wrap up in April 2021, although the potential for appeals of the decision from either side means the case could drag out over several years.

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Тиждень слави! 22-29 липня 2014 року. Антизрада. ЗСУ заслужили на згадку!

Тиждень слави! 22-29 липня 2014 року. Антизрада. ЗСУ заслужили на згадку!

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Интернет локаут путляндии произойдет в 2022 году

Интернет локаут путляндии произойдет в 2022 году.

Власти подлампичили закон о “суверенном интернете”, который вступит в силу в 2022 году, согласно которому из страны будет минимизирована передача данных, а внутренний трафик будет жестко подконтролен

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Лукашенко пошел ва-банк: пленные “вагнеровцы”, “лечение трактором” и “пощечина” пукину…

Лукашенко пошел ва-банк: пленные “вагнеровцы”, “лечение трактором” и “пощечина” пукину…

На “выборах” в Беларуси вырисовывается богатая сюжетная линия, не вполне понятной пока кривизны…

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Обида дегенерата кадырова из за санкций. Попытка путляндии украсть вакцину

Обида дегенерата кадырова из за санкций. Попытка путляндии украсть вакцину.

Хабаровск бастует, придурок дегтярев несет бред, якобы он упокоил граждан, хотя сам общается только с массовкой, а вот путляндия хочет создать первой вакцину и уверяет, что для этого есть все шансы, правда некоторые страны Европы и Америка обвиняют банду карлика пукина в том, что хакеры пытаются украсть их наработки в сфере вакцины. Цап-царап, как говорил чекист. Ну а наш дегенерат кадыров очень расстроен, что его родных внесли в санкционные списки

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Лукашенко врубил Вагнера обиженному карлику пукину, а тот засунул голову в песок

Лукашенко врубил Вагнера обиженному карлику пукину, а тот засунул голову в песок.

Лукашенко очень не хочет повторить судьбу януковича, поэтому будет создавать пукину неприятности до тех пор, пока не выторгует для себя более выгодную перспективу чем Ростов

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COVID-induced Hunger Could Destabilize Latin America, WFP Warns

A COVID-19-induced hunger pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean could threaten the stability of countries in the region, the World Food Program said. Latin America is the region with the most confirmed COVID-19 cases globally, accounting for more than a quarter of the more than 17 million cases reported by Johns Hopkins University. The disease is driving hunger and food insecurity in a region already facing economic, social and political instability, as well as drought and the start of the hurricane season, WFP said.   The agency projects the number of people in Latin America and the Caribbean facing severe food shortages in coming months will rise to 16 million.WFP Executive Director David Beasley recently visited a farming project run by the WFP in Ibarra, in Ecuador’s Imbabura Province.   In a video from the site, Beasley addressed the economic devastation created in Latin American countries by COVID-19. He said many farmers are barely eking out a living because of the pandemic, which is preventing them from selling their crops.   “Just in the areas where WFP [is] in this region alone, we have seen a substantial increase in over 11 million people that are marching toward the brink of starvation,” he said. “So, it is devastating, and it is why we must act, and we must act now so that we can bring some hope to people. Otherwise you will have political destabilization, mass migration, economic deterioration, supply chain disruption and many people will starve, in addition to COVID itself.”   The World Food Program said people in Haiti, countries along Central America’s Pacific coast — especially Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — as well as Venezuelan migrants in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are most at risk of starvation and death.    The COVID and hunger pandemics must be tackled together, Beasley said, because they feed upon each other. The WFP is calling for $328 million to provide crucial aid in the region.   

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Botswana’s Capital Back in Lockdown After COVID-19 Cases Double

Botswana has put its capital, Gaborone, back into a two-week lockdown starting Friday, closing schools and restricting movements, after confirmed local COVID-19 transmissions doubled this week.Botswana’s health minister, Dr. Lemogang Kwape, said a return to lockdown was needed after the capital saw what he called a “worrying rise” in local cases of COVID-19.”I now regret to inform you that the situation has worsened in the last 24 hours,” he said. “Botswana has recorded 30 new positive cases of COVID-19, with the majority of the cases emanating from schools in the greater Gaborone.”Students walk near a school as classes are cancelled in response to a surge of new COVID-19 cases, in Gaborone, Botswana. (Mqondisi Dube/VOA)Authorities closed schools in Gaborone on Friday and, except for essential workers, resumed requiring temporary permits for anyone to move around.Schools elsewhere in Botswana remain open.Confirmed, local transmissions of the virus in Gaborone doubled in the last week, from 70 to 140, most of them recorded in schools. Kwape said contact tracing had become more complex.He said some transport operators were failing to keep a passenger register, as required by COVID-19 regulations.”During the course of this week the disease has taken an unexpected turn. This now requires that we place the greater Gaborone zone under lockdown for a minimum period of two weeks to enable us to contain the disease,” Kwape said.Soldiers and police monitor a roadblock in the capital, Gaborone, which is under a two-week lockdown, July 31, 2020. (Mqondisi Dube/VOA)This is the second time Botswana has returned the capital to lockdown after lifting the restrictions since the pandemic began.Botswana, with 804 recorded cases of COVID-19 and two deaths, has been relatively unscathed by the virus, compared to other African countries.Botswana’s neighbor, South Africa, is the worst-hit on the continent, with confirmed COVID-19 cases approaching half a million.The majority of Botswana’s confirmed cases were along the border – and most of them foreigners.

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Could Mumbai’s Slums Be Headed to Herd Immunity?

A recent survey in Mumbai’s slums finds that more than half of the residents have developed antibodies for COVID-19, indicating that some of India’s most densely packed settlements, which pose the greatest challenge in containing the spread of the infection, could be heading toward “herd immunity.”While urban slums may be inadvertently developing population immunity, though, officials are ruling it out as an option in tackling the rampaging infection, saying it could never be a choice but only an outcome.”Herd immunity” is achieved when a large part of the community develops antibodies against the virus, acting as a wall against its further spread.India is a global hotspot for COVID-19, with infections topping 1.6 million.A healthcare worker checks the temperature of residents of a slum area using an electronic thermometer, in Mumbai, India, July 6, 2020.Antibody developmentA government survey carried out earlier in July in parts of the capital New Delhi found that one in four residents had developed antibodies.As the two surveys turn the spotlight on possible “herd immunity,” the health ministry said that in a country like India with a huge population, this can only be an “outcome” and that, too, at a very high cost as it means lots of people would have to be infected.Rajesh Bhushan, officer on special duty in the health ministry underlined that the country must follow “COVID-10-appropriate behavior”—like wearing masks, avoiding gatherings and following hand hygiene util a vaccine is developed.After being ravaged by the coronavirus, both Delhi and Mumbai are showing a downward trend.Nonetheless, Mumbai, like several other parts of the country, continues to impose a stringent lockdown. Some commentators said the results of the serological studies test the logic of the shutdown and should encourage authorities to restart economic activity.Pointing to the recent surveys in the two cities, The Times of India newspaper said in an editorial that the “high prevalence of antibodies with asymptomatic spread makes a strong case for faster unlocking with safeguards.”

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US Frowns Upon Iranian Supermarket in Venezuela’s Capital

U.S. officials frowned upon the opening of an Iranian supermarket in Venezuela’s capital, saying Thursday that any presence of Iran in the Western Hemisphere is “not something we look very favorably on.”  
Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Michael Kozak told journalists in a call that the opening of the market shows this is like an alliance of “pariah” states.
“I would be surely surprised if Venezuela is able to obtain much benefit from Iran,” said Kozak in his response to a reporter’s question about the supermarket. “Iran is willing to play around, is willing to sell stuff to Venezuela when Venezuela really does not have the money to be buying very much.”
An Iranian cargo ship docked in Venezuela in June carrying food for the new market in Caracas, weeks after the Islamic Republic had already sent five tankers loaded with gasoline to the fuel-starved nation. The recent deliveries signal a newly blossoming relationship between the two nations in defiance of stiff financial sanctions by the Trump administration against each of them.  
The new Megasis supermarket, in the east of Caracas, was launched Wednesday amid a tightening of the coronavirus quarantine. The inauguration was a private event attended only by Venezuelan government officials, Iranian diplomatic personnel and businessmen, according to images a journalist for the Telesur television channel posted on her Twitter account.  
The supermarket is expected to open to the public this week.
Kozak described Iran on Thursday as “the world’s biggest sponsor on terrorism.”
“Iran is not going to save Venezuela from the situation it has put itself in, but it does put itself in a more dangerous situation by playing these games,” he said.
Megasis is headed by Iranian businessman Issa Rezaei, who runs a chain of 700 supermarkets in Iran.  
On Tuesday, Rezaei said on Twitter that “our goal is commercial.” He also said he is buying Venezuelan products like mangos, pineapples and wood to take to Iran.
Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves, and critics of President Nicolás Maduro point to the nation’s reliance on Iran for gasoline as an example of the socialist government’s failure.  
The U.S. seeks to oust Maduro, backing his political rival Juan Guaidó.  
Maduro blames many of the problems on U.S. sanctions and other measures to undermine his rule. He says the U.S. wants to install a puppet government so it can exploit Venezuela’s vast resources.

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Champagne Losing its Fizz as Global Pandemic Clobbers Sales

Champagne is losing its fizz. For months, lockdown put the cork on weddings, dining out, parties and international travel — all key sales components for the French luxury wine marketed for decades as a sparkling must at any celebration. Producers in France’s eastern Champagne region, headquarters of the global industry, say they’ve lost an estimated 1.7 billion euros ($2 billion) in sales for this year, as turnover fell by a third — a hammering unmatched in living memory, and worse than the Great Depression. They expect about 100 million bottles to be languishing unsold in their cellars by the end of the year. “We are experiencing a crisis that we evaluate to be even worse than the Great Depression” of 1929, said Thibaut Le Mailloux of the Champagne Committee, known by its French acronym CIVC, that represents some 16,000 winemakers. Recognizing the urgency of the problem, the CIVC is launching unprecedented damage-limitation measures. Like oil-producing countries, the committee regulates the size of the harvest each year to avoid the kind of excess production that would cause bottle prices to plummet. At a meeting scheduled for Aug. 18, it’s expected to impose a cap so tight that record quantities of grapes will be destroyed or sold to distilleries at discounted prices. The prospect alarms smaller producers, who are more vulnerable than the big houses. Anselme Selosse, of Jacques Selosse Champagnes, called it “an insult to nature” that champagne’s famous grapes might even be destined to produce alcohol for hand sanitizer, as is happening in other wine-producing regions such as Alsace after demand spiked during the pandemic. “We are to destroy (the grapes) and we pay for them to be destroyed,” Selosse said, referring to the industry as a whole. “It’s nothing but a catastrophe.” “Champagne has never lived through anything like this before, even in the World Wars,” Selosse added. “We have never experienced … a sudden one-third fall in sales. Over one hundred million bottles unsold.”Paul Francois Vranken, Director of Vranken-Pommery Monopole speaks during an interview in the Champagne region, east of Paris, July 28, 2020.Major producers such as Vranken-Pommery predict that the crisis could last for years. “It should not be forgotten that (champagne) has lived through every single war,” said Paul-Francois Vranken, founder of Vranken-Pommery Monopole. “But with the other crises, there was a way out. For now, there is no way out — unless we find a vaccine.” Vranken said the very essence of champagne marketing — as a drink quaffed at parties and weddings — needs to be re-evaluated to reflect the new normal: Fewer festivities and a lack of celebratory group events. The new branding strategy for his, and other champagne companies, will seek to highlight the wine’s status as a naturally, and often organically, produced quality drink from a historic French region. “Even if the bars and the nightclubs are closed for five years, we don’t plan on missing out on customers … There will be a very big change to our marketing that highlights the grandeur of our wines,” Vranken said. Selosse, who produces many “natural” champagnes with no added sugar, also hopes the pandemic will encourage thought about future champagne marketing and how the multi-billion dollar industry is restructured. He would like to see a more cooperative side to production, such as “communal wine presses” to help pool the costs for smaller producers. Selosse said adaptability has served champagne well in the past, helping it evolve from a dessert wine in the 19th century to the modern-day dry version named “brut.”  He even thinks — but this is a minority view among producers — the industry could move away from effervescence and be able to produce all sorts of wine, as it did in the past: red, white or still. In fact, literally no fizz.

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Eurozone Economy Suffers Record Drop During Lockdown Months

The economy of the 19-country eurozone shrank by a devastating 12.1% percent in the April-June period from the quarter before – the largest drop on record – as coronavirus lockdowns shut businesses and hampered consumer spending.Economists say the worst of the downturn is past as many restrictions have eased, but that the recovery will be drawn out and vulnerable to renewed virus outbreaks.
Spain, which along with Italy was among the first to get hit hard by the spread of the virus, suffered the region’s heaviest drop at 18.5%. France, Italy and Portugal also endured steep declines, but no country escaped the impact of the pandemic.  
For the currency union as a whole it was the biggest decline since the records started in 1995. The broader 27-country European Union, not all of whose members use the euro, saw output sag 11.9%.
The decline in Europe compares with a 9.5% quarter-on-quarter drop in the United States, which unlike Europe has not yet been able to get its contagion numbers firmly down yet and whose economic recovery is in doubt.
European governments are countering the recession with massive stimulus measures. EU leaders have agreed on a 750 billion-euro recovery fund backed by common borrowing to support the economy from 2021. National governments have stepped in with loans to keep businesses afloat and wage support programs that pay workers’ salaries while they are furloughed. The European Central Bank is pumping 1.35 trillion euros in newly printed money into the economy, a step which helps keep borrowing costs low.
Those support measures have helped keep unemployment from spiking. The rate rose to 7.8% in June from 7.7% in May. But many job losses will wind up being permanent despite the stimulus.
Major companies such as Lufthansa, Daimler and Airbus have said they will cut thousands of jobs.
Economists say the downturn was concentrated in the months of April and May when lockdowns were most severe. Many restrictive measures have been eased, and business confidence in Germany, the biggest eurozone economy, has ticked up for three straight months.
But the outlook is for a long and uncertain climb back to pre-virus levels that could take until 2022 or longer. Company forecasts for the rest of the year assumed that there is not a renewed outbreak of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. Cases have been rising again in several countries as people go on vacations and Britain slapped a 14-day quarantine on travelers returning from Spain.  
Rosie Colthorpe, European economist at Oxford Economics, said the current third quarter was likely to see high growth rates, “but not nearly large enough to make up for the damage.”
“Beyond this initial bounce, the recovery is set to be gradual and uneven,” with pre-virus output regained only by mid-2022, she said, adding that “recent flare-ups of the virus in several European countries risk derailing this recovery.”
The Spanish economic drop was by far the sharpest since the country’s national statistics agency began collecting data. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez was meeting later Friday with the leaders of Spain’s regions to discuss how to rebuild the economy and where to deploy billions of euros in European Union aid for recovery.
Germany, the largest of the countries that use the euro, went through a 10.1% decline, the biggest since records started in 1970.  
In France, the startling plunge of 13.8% in April-June was the third consecutive quarter of contraction in France’s worsening recession. The pain has been so damaging to jobs and industries that the government is talking down the possibility of another nationwide lockdown as infections tick upward again. Finance minister Bruno Le Maire called on French people to spend more to help the economy recover.
“All the growth in GDP seen in the 2010-2019 decade has been wiped out in five months,” said Marc Ostwald, chief economist at ADM Investor Services International. In Italy’s case, economists said it wiped out about 30 years of growth.

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Турецкая ловушка: обиженный карлик пукин выдохся и теряет последние силы

Турецкая ловушка: обиженный карлик пукин выдохся и теряет последние силы.

В общем, если Турция переходит на альтернативные российским нефть и газ, то ей нужно иметь возможность парировать любые угрозы со стороны путляндии и ее временных или постоянных сателлитов. Эрдоган принял мяч у Порошенка и показывает довольно неплохую игру. И не удивительно, что он получает критику за свое активное противодействие обиженному карлику пукину из тех самых источников, с которых выгребал и Порошенко. А это говорит о том, что Турция все делает правильно

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“Доходяга” пукина: “авианосец” «кузя» самоуничтожается даже без вмешательства врага

“Доходяга” пукина: “авианосец” «кузя» самоуничтожается даже без вмешательства врага.

Проще списать в утиль, чем продолжать его ремонт: ржавый пукинский так называемый авианосец “адмирал кузнецов” можно увидеть даже из космоса…

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