VIP-карантин. Як депутати, силовики та впливові бізнесмени обходять заборони

VIP-карантин. Як депутати, силовики та впливові бізнесмени обходять заборони.

Вже майже півтора місяці Україна живе в умовах жорстких карантинних обмежень – майже всі заклади, крім критичної інфраструктури, по всій країні згорнули роботу або обмежили її, і пересічні українці не мають змоги скористатися їхніми послугами.

Але не всі. Ми зафіксували, як, так звані слуги народу нехтують карантинними правилами, обов’язковими для всіх: проводять зустрічі в готелях і ходять без маски та групою більше двох. Навіть відвідують ресторани, які в свою чергу переконують, що працюють лише «на винос» – ось тільки жоден з цих віп-відвідувачів, яких журналісти фіксували, не виходив з них з їжею в руках. Ці люди різною мірою пов’язані з владою – вони народні депутати, наближені до товстозадого авакова бізнесмени, товариші тупого кличка, силовики та візитери офісу зеленського. І, схоже, чим ближча людина до влади – тим менше для неї обмежень існує в умовах загального карантину

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Мокшандский миф провален: бунт вахтовиков на базе «газпрома» — зеркало пукинского концлагеря…

Мокшандский миф провален: бунт вахтовиков на базе «газпрома» — зеркало пукинского концлагеря…

Пукинская россия сама не заметила, как превратилась в государство параллельных реальностей, имеющую схожесть с «кастовой» системой в Индии, где у каждой категории ее граждан свои, абсолютно непересекающиеся проблемы…

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Пу через «ху»: Саудовская Аравия отобрала у карлика пукина главных покупателей нефти

Пу через «ху»: Саудовская Аравия отобрала у карлика пукина главных покупателей нефти.

Время идет, рейтинг пукина летит в преисподнюю, а ситуация с нефтью только продолжает сеять панические настроения в глубоком кремлевском бункере

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As Africa’s COVID-19 Lockdowns Ease, Officials Urged to Balance Health Policy

Top African health officials say the continent has taken what appear to be effective measures in curbing the spread of coronavirus. While they note that lockdowns in some countries have had positive effects in slowing transmission, scientists say that the enduring economic and social harm of lockdowns could soon trump scientific considerations. Experts spoke to journalists a day before the continent’s hot spot, South Africa, prepared to ease its restrictions. Health officials across the continent have mostly succeeded in urging leaders to implement strict measures to combat the spread of coronavirus. And it may be no coincidence that the sub-Saharan African region continues to have the world’s lowest caseload, and the fewest number of deaths.  But the crisis is far from over, said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, World Health Organization regional director for Africa. FILE – Matshidiso Moeti, World Health Organization regional director for Africa, attends a briefing for World Health Assembly delegates on the Ebola outbreak response in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Geneva, Switzerland, May 23, 2018.“In terms of the situation in Africa, we are continuing to see an increase in cases. I think our outbreak is continuing,” she said. “We are seeing case fatality rate in the region of about 3.9 percent. We have a couple of countries that have a higher case fatality rate. What is very encouraging, and I’d just like to emphasize this, is that we have a number of countries that have reported zero cases over a couple of weeks.” She said the “admittedly relatively small countries” of Namibia, Mauritania and Seychelles had put in place some early measures, “starting with testing, contact tracing, which have produced some results. And then we are very concerned about West Africa, where we are seeing community spread in a significant number of countries compared to others.” FILE – South African Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize speaks during the handover of  emergency medical equipment for COVID-19 from China, at OR Tambo Johannesburg, South Africa, April 14, 2020.In South Africa, the country with the continent’s highest caseload, Health Minister Dr.  Zweli Mkhize said the strict 35-day lockdown — which officially ends Friday — had made a difference.  “We are actually seeing a slightly different trajectory that has pushed the peak of the epidemic to around September, in the best-case scenario, or maybe July, in the worst-case scenario. This is going to be related to how we ease off the lockdown, so the president has called for a risk-adjusted easing of the lockdown to take into account food security issues, to take into account the economic recovery that needs to be supported,”  he said.Mkhize noted that the reopening will be slow and not drastically different from the current situation. The next lower stage will include a curfew, limits on outdoor exercise, and the obligatory use of face masks in public. Large gatherings remained banned, and many so-called nonessential businesses remain shuttered. Professor Kojo Ansah Koram, an epidemiologist in Accra, Ghana, says it’s decisions like this that keep leaders up at night: How do they protect public health while also keeping other sectors of their country strong? FILE – The crowd at the tiptoe lane, Kwame Nkrumah Circle in Accra, Ghana, is seen as the three-week-old partial lockdown to halt the spread of the coronavirus, is lifted, April 20, 2020.“If you are in a place like Accra,” Koram said, “where there is a large majority of people in the informal sector, for example, then that advice has to be weighed on, or has to be taken in addition to what will happen to that population, which probably have to go out on a daily basis to get their daily bread. And so you can make your pure scientific advice, but you have to be aware that it has to be managed in the context of all the other things.” As of Wednesday, Africa had about 23,000 reported cases of COVID-19 and just over 900 deaths, fewer than any other region in the world. 

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Мокшандский кремль получил очень плохие новости: истерика лошадиного лаврова усугубила положение

Мокшандский кремль получил очень плохие новости: истерика лошадиного лаврова усугубила положение

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Президентська доставка масок в Епіцентр. Як гереги хотіли продати гуманітарний вантаж меру Києва!!!

Президентська доставка масок в Епіцентр. Як гереги хотіли продати гуманітарний вантаж меру Києва!!!

Ніби як гуманітарний вантаж захисних масок, окулярів та костюмів, які зустрічав президент зеленський, опинився на полицях гіпермаркетів регіонала і дегенерата Гереги.

Останній запропонував купити захисні засоби… меру Києва. Гучний скандал зірвав маски з обличь нової влади!

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Веник и половые тряпки путляндского рейха

Веник и половые тряпки путляндского рейха.

Наглядный урок и лабораторная работа по общественно-политической русофобии

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Spokesman: 10 Egyptian Army Members Killed or Wounded in Bomb Attack

Ten Egyptian army members including an officer were killed or wounded on Thursday when a bomb exploded in an armored vehicle south of Bir al-Abd city in the Northern Sinai region, a military spokesman said in a statement.He did not specify how many had been killed in the attack, which not immediately claimed by any group. Militants loyal to Islamic State are active in the strategic border region.Egypt has been fighting Islamist insurgents who have killed hundreds of police and soldiers in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula since the ousting of Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013 following mass protests against his rule.Militants have also carried out attacks elsewhere in the country.An Egyptian policeman and seven suspected militants were killed on April 14 in an exchange of gunfire after the ministry of interior received information about potential Easter attacks against Coptic Christians, the ministry said, adding that three other policemen had also been wounded.The military and police launched a major campaign against militant groups in 2018, focusing on the Sinai Peninsula as well as southern areas and the border with Libya. 

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Police: Shooting at Cuban Embassy Is ‘Suspected Hate Crime’ 

A man armed with an assault rifle was arrested after opening fire outside the Cuban Embassy in Washington early Thursday, his bullets tearing holes into the walls and pillars near the front entrance in what authorities suspect was a hate crime.The gunfire broke out around 2 a.m. outside the embassy in northwest Washington. Metropolitan Police Department officers were called to the scene after neighbors reported hearing gunshots, authorities said. No injuries were reported.Officers found the man, Alexander Alazo, 42, of Aubrey, Texas, armed with an assault rifle, and they and took him into custody without incident, police said.A police report obtained by The Associated Press describes the shooting as a “suspected hate crime” and says Alazo “knowingly discharged multiple rounds from an AK-47 rifle into the Cuban Embassy.” But the report also says Alazo’s motivation is unknown.Officers recovered the rifle, ammunition and a white powdery substance that was found in a small baggie after Alazo’s arrest, according to the report.Alazo was arrested on charges of possessing an unregistered firearm and ammunition, assault with intent to kill and possessing a high-capacity magazine, a U.S. Secret Service spokeswoman said.Alazo remained in custody Thursday. It wasn’t immediately clear whether he had a lawyer.Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that embassy staff members were “safe and protected” but that the shooting caused “material damage” to the building. Photos showed large holes left in the building’s facade near the front door and in pillars outside the building.The Cuban government didn’t know the suspect’s potential motives, the statement said, adding that the State Department was aware of the incident.”It is the obligation of States to adopt appropriate steps to protect the premises of diplomatic missions accredited to their country against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity,” the statement said.Photos from the scene posted to social media showed a group of police officers outside the embassy after the shooting and investigators searching through an SUV parked there. Other images showed investigators surveying the damage in front of the ornate embassy in Washington’s Adams-Morgan neighborhood, including a bullet hole in a window over the front door and damage to a flagpole and a column flanking a statue of Cuban independence hero José Martí.Officers from the Metropolitan Police Department and the Secret Service were investigating. 

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Veteran Bollywood Star Rishi Kapoor Dies at 67

Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor died Thursday in Mumbai after battling leukemia for two years.   
The 67-year-old star, who made his debut as a child actor in “Mera Naam Joker,” (My Name is Joker) went on to win the hearts of millions of fans with a teenage love story, “Bobby” in 1973.
The news of his death was a double blow for the Bollywood Hindi movie industry and its tens of millions of fans – Kapoor passed away a day after another acclaimed actor, Irrfan Khan, succumbed to cancer.   
Kapoor had undergone treatment in a New York hospital for almost a year before returning to India last September. He was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai on Wednesday.
“The doctors and medical staff at the hospital said he kept them entertained to the last. He remained jovial and determined to live to the fullest right through two years of treatment across two continents,” Kapoor’s family said in a statement.
Kapoor was a third-generation actor in a famed Bollywood family that has played a dominant role in the industry.   
During a career that spanned nearly five decades, he made a mark as a romantic hero during his earlier films but transitioned to a much-acclaimed character actor in the past decade. He last starred in a film “102 Not Out” released in 2018.
Tributes poured in from veteran actors and his fans on social media. Bollywood’s most iconic star, Amitabh Bachchan tweeted “I am destroyed.”
“Multifaceted, endearing and lively, this was Rishi Kapoor,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote on Twitter.   
“This is a terrible week for Indian cinema, with the passing of another legend, actor Rishi Kapoor,” Congress Party leader Rahul Gandhi tweeted.
With India in a strict lockdown due to COVID-19, Kapoor’s family appealed to the public to follow the rules in force and said “he would like to be remembered with a smile and not with tears.”

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Top Russian Diplomat Dismisses Czech Claims of Poison Plot 

Russia’s top diplomat on Thursday angrily dismissed media reports alleging a Russian plot to poison the mayor of Prague and another official in the Czech capital. Prague’s mayor Zdenek Hrib and Zhanna Nemtsova, daughter of Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov smile after unveiling a sign renaming the square where the Russian Embassy is located in Prague, Feb. 27, 2020.Respekt weekly said in its latest edition published on Monday that Czech intelligence services suspected a Russian agent was sent to Prague three weeks ago to poison Prague Mayor Zdenek Hrib and Prague 6 mayor Ondrej Kolar. The story was based on anonymous sources.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ridiculed the claims, saying that the notion that Czech authorities spotted a Russian man with powerful poison ricin and let him through doesn’t make any sense. Czech officials didn’t comment, but Kolar said in a television interview Tuesday that he has been under police protection because of “some facts that have been found, the fact that there’s a Russian here whose goal is to liquidate me.” He added that the alleged assassin was also targeting Hrib and Pavel Novotny, Prague’s Reporyje district mayor. Lavrov scoffed at the allegations. “They found a deadly poison and let him into the country?” he said at Thursday’s briefing. “Would any sound person believe in these fabrications.” Moscow and Prague have been at loggerheads for weeks after Kolar’s district removed the statue of Soviet World War II commander Ivan Konev whose armies liberated Prague from Nazi occupation. Officials in Prague 6 said the statue will be moved to a museum and a new monument honoring the city’s liberation will be installed in its place. The statue’s removal caused outrage in Russia, which has angrily lashed out at any attempts to diminish the nation’s decisive role in defeating the Nazis. Lavrov charged Thursday that the Prague authorities’ action violated a 1993 friendship treaty that carried a Czech pledge to protect memorials to Russian World War II heroes. 

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As Virus Cases Surge, Brazil Starts to Worry Its Neighbors

Brazil’s virtually uncontrolled surge of COVID-19 cases is spawning fear that construction workers, truck drivers and tourists from Latin America’s biggest nation will spread the disease to neighboring countries that are doing a better job of controlling the coronavirus.  
Brazil, a continent-sized country that shares borders with nearly every other nation in South America, has reported more than 70,000 cases and more than 5,000 deaths, according to government figures and a tally by Johns Hopkins University — far more than any of its neighbors.
The true number of deaths and infections is believed to be much higher because of limited testing.
The country’s borders remain open, there are virtually no quarantines or curfews and President Jair Bolsonaro continues to scoff at the seriousness of the disease.  
The country of 211 million people surpassed China — where the virus began — in the official number of COVID-19 deaths this week, prompting Bolsonaro to say: “So what?”
“I am sorry,” the far-right president told journalists. “What do you want me to do?”
In Paraguay, soldiers enforcing anti-virus measures have dug a shallow trench alongside the first 800 feet (244 meters) of the main road entering the city of Pedro Juan Caballero from the neighboring Brazilian city of Punta Porá, to prevent people from walking along the road from Brazil and disappearing into the surrounding city.  
Paraguay has fewer than 250 confirmed coronavirus cases and its borders have been closed since March 24, with enforcement particularly focused on the largely open frontier with Brazil.  
Argentine officials say they are particularly worried about truck traffic from Brazil, their top trading partner. In provinces bordering Brazil, Argentina is working to set up secure corridors where Brazilian drivers can access bathrooms, get food and unload products without ever coming into contact with Argentines.  
“Brazil worries me a lot,” Argentine President Alberto Fernández told local news outlets Saturday. “A lot of traffic is coming from Sao Paulo, where the infection rate is extremely high, and it doesn’t appear to me that the Brazilian government is taking it with the seriousness that it requires. That worries me a lot, for the Brazilian people and also because it can be carried to Argentina.”  
One of eight known cases in the Argentine state of Misiones is that of a 61-year-old truck driver who apparently caught the disease in Sao Paulo and then returned to Argentina, where he died after infecting his wife. Argentina has about 4,000 cases and more than 200 dead, according to the Johns Hopkins tally.  
Even officials in the United States, which has registered more than 1 million cases and more than 60,000 deaths, have expressed concern about Brazil.  
Florida, which has a large population of people of Brazilian heritage, could face a threat of air travelers from Brazil carrying the coronavirus to the state, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis told President Donald Trump in Washington on Tuesday.
“We could be away on the other side doing well in Florida, and then you could just have people kind of come in,” DeSantis said.
The governor said Trump’s ban of flights from China helped control the virus in the western U.S. Trump asked him if that meant “cutting off Brazil.”
DeSantis replied that one possibility was “not to necessarily cut them off” but to require airlines to test passengers before they board planes bound for Florida.
Authorities in Colombia are also worried, said Julián Fernandez Niño, an epidemiologist at National University in Bogota.  
“In a globalized world, the response to a pandemic can’t be closed frontiers,” he said. “Brazil has great scientific and economic capacity, but clearly its leadership has an unscientific stance on fighting coronavirus.”
In Uruguay, President Luis Lacalle Pou said the spread of the virus in Brazil was setting off “warning lights” in his administration and authorities are tightening border controls in several frontier cities.
Thirty workers recently crossed from Brazil to the Uruguayan border city of Rio Branco to help build a cement plant. Four tested positive for the virus, prompting Uruguay to place the whole crew in quarantine.
Officials in some Uruguayan border towns have discussed setting up “humanitarian corridors” through which Brazilians could safely leave the country.
Even socialist Venezuela, where the health system has been in a yearslong state of collapse, has said it’s worried about neighboring Brazil.
“I’ve ordered the reinforcement of the frontier with Brazil to guarantee an epidemiological and military barrier,” President Nicolás Maduro said on state television last week.
Bolivia’s government, a right-wing ally of Bolsonaro’s, declined to comment on its neighbor’s anti-virus measures, but Defense Minister Fernando López promised this month to strongly enforce the closure of the border.  
“If we keep being flexible on the border, our national quarantine will be useless,” he said. 

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«Будеш знімати, тебе тут не стане!» – як зустрічають журналістів хами з «Волинської оптової бази» в Києві

«Будеш знімати, тебе тут не стане!» – як зустрічають журналістів хами з київських ринків.

Уряд дозволив ринкам працювати, втім за умови жорсткого дотримання санітарно-епідеміологічних вимог. Серед них: обов’язковість масок, антисептик на вході, наявність щитків між продавцем і покупцем, дистанція між продавцями у три метри, дезінфекція торгових поверхонь кожні три години і контроль чисельності: не більше однієї людини на 10 квадратних метрів площі. Ми відправилися на ринки, аби у прямому ефірі поспілкуватися із покупцями та продавцями щодо оновлених державою правил.

«Волинська оптова база» працювала і під час карантину, адже є місцем гуртових продовольчих закупівель, але працює і як роздрібний ринок. Не всі працівники охоче спілкувалися з журналістами, деякі одягали маски лише коли бачили камеру. В одному з павільйонів продавець навіть перейшов до погроз журналістам!!!

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Волна поднимается: комуняки Пекина играют в молчанку и пытаются прикинуться шлангом

Волна поднимается: комуняки Пекина играют в молчанку и пытаются прикинуться шлангом

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Обиженный карлик пукин «палит» контору за конторой в попытках снять “животворящие” санкции…

Обиженный карлик пукин «палит» контору за конторой в попытках снять “животворящие” санкции…

Это что же в россии такое происходит, что им просто-таки «срочно» надо «снять санкции»..?

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19 Uganda LGBT Members Denied Bail After Public Gathering Arrest

A court in Uganda this week rejected bail for 19 members of the LGBT community who were arrested for gathering in public in violation of the coronavirus lockdown. Police arrested the men last month at a shelter for sexual minorities. Their lawyer argues the men, who range in age from 19 to 32, were targeted because of their sexual orientation.   Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists in Uganda have expressed concern over what they say is a deliberate violation of their community members’ rights.  On March 29, police arrested 23 members of an LGBT shelter, the Children of the Sun Foundation, in the town of Kyengera, 10 kilometers southwest of Kampala. Four of the men were released on medical grounds, while the others were presented to court and remanded to prison.  On the day of the arrest, the local mayor was videotaped asking the men who their parents were and hitting one of them on the hands with a huge cane. The men were also made to face the camera to reveal their faces.
On Tuesday, Adrian Juuko, a lawyer for activist group Sexual Minorities Uganda, petitioned the High Court in Kampala for an emergency bail application, as the lower court that would hear the case was not operating.
“COVID-19 was used as an excuse to get them remanded to prison. And COVID is still being used as an excuse not to bring them to court. If you look at the letter that was given to us by the prison authorities, they said that, we cannot allow lawyers to access the prison because of the current lockdown due to COVID-19. Now, no one was demanding for physical access; they could have given us access through the telephone. So, that was just an excuse. They are not doing what they are supposed to do, and in the process, they are violating rights,” Juuko said.The defendants have been charged with conducting an act likely to cause the spread of an infectious disease, namely COVID-19, which is caused by the coronavirus.Patrick Onyango, the deputy spokesperson for the Kampala police, said officers made the arrests after local residents complained about the gathering.   “They were not being targeted because they are gay. It was the community that saw that these people are violating the presidential directives, and informed police. And these were more than 10; they were 23 in number. So, police had to act according to the directive and according to the law,” Onyango said.Ugandan authorities have outlawed any gathering of more than five people in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus, and police have been enforcing the rules, arresting more than 400 people last week for alleged violations.On Monday, the U.N. human rights office said in a statement that any emergency response linked to COVID-19 must be proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory. They said that in Uganda, authorities are using their emergency powers to act arbitrarily.Frank Mugisha, executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda, said many LGBT shelters have had to change their policies because of the crackdowns. The shelters sometimes house youths who have been kicked out of their homes by their families.  “We’ve only had violations towards LGBT persons especially towards the shelters from local councils and law enforcers in those areas. People have had even to shift or reduce the number of people who were staying in certain shelters because of the law enforcers,” Mugisha said.The 19 men will remain in jail until a court hearing on May 12, unless the High Court grants them bail before then. 

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