Media Watchdog: Algeria Arrests Independent Journalist

An Algerian journalist was arrested on Friday, press freedom group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said, accusing the country’s government of using the coronavirus crisis to crack down on independent media.Khaled Drareni, who serves as RSF’s Algerian correspondent, has been arrested several times for covering “Hirak” anti-government protests that had been held in the capital, Algiers, every Friday since February 2019, until they were suspended last week.”This evening Algeria arrested our correspondent Khaled Drareni,” RSF’s North Africa Twitter account tweeted on Friday.It went on to denounce the “the shameless use of COVID-19 by the Algerian regime to settle scores with free and independent journalism.”The CNLD prisoners’ rights group said Drareni had been taken to a police station and faced indictment on Saturday.He was arrested on March 7 while covering a Hirak protest, accused of “inciting an unarmed gathering and damaging national integrity.” He was then released on March 10.The weekly Hirak protests were suspended over COVID-19, which has killed 26 people and infected 409 in Algeria, according to official figures.However, the courts have continued their work, with Karim Tabbou — a key figure in the anti-government protests that have rocked the North African country — sentenced to a year in prison on Tuesday.Rights groups say several dozen people connected with the protest movement remain in detention, though the exact number is difficult to establish due to rearrests.     

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Полиция тостозадого авакова требует блогера удалить видео! Штраф 17 000 гривен!

Полиция звонит блогеру и требует удалить видео с ютуба

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Злобному пукину перекрывают кислород: историческое фиаско нефтяного выскочки

Злобному пукину перекрывают кислород: историческое фиаско нефтяного выскочки.

С учетом того, что Азербайджан и Турция плотно связаны исторически, можно смело говорить о том, что этот тандем постепенно выдавливает рф с регионального рынка торговли не только газом и нефтью, но и нефтепродуктов

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Карлик пукин залег на дно и готовит новую пакость

Карлик пукин залег на дно и готовит новую пакость.

мокшандия умоляет Запад снять санкции, не успев встать с колен. Все прекрасно понимают, что через пару недель в россии начнется такая заварушка, что Италия покажется райским уголком. И произойдет это не просто так, а под четким руководством бункерной моли

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Tanzanian President Criticized for Refusing to Close Places of Worship

Opposition leaders in Tanzania are criticizing the government’s response to the coronavirus, after President John Magufuli said he would never close down places of worship.  While Tanzania has been taking the same measures against coronavirus as other African nations — closing schools, quarantining foreign arrivals, and banning public events — Magufuli’s government refuses to close down churches.   At a Sunday service this week, Magufuli said the virus is “satanic” and therefore cannot thrive in churches.   The chairman of the opposition Civic United Front party, Ibrahim Lipumba, told VOA that government statements on the virus should focus on prevention. If people continue gathering in crowds, he said, there will be danger. Abdul Nondo, youth representative for the Alliance for Change and Transparency party, said via a messaging app that Magafuli’s statement goes against World Health Organization guidance. Italy was hit hard by the disease because they delayed taking strong measures, he added. Supporters say the Tanzanian president’s vow to keep churches open is designed to comfort people and prevent fear over the coronavirus. But it also risks discouraging the public from taking preventive measures seriously.   Dar es Salaam resident Joel Majula said he is less afraid of the virus after Magufuli’s comments on churches. When the faithful to go to mosques and churches, they wash their hands, which they believe is the best way to prevent the disease, he said, adding that they don’t believe people gathering together could bring negative effects. Global concernsTanzania is not the only country grappling with concerns over religious gatherings. In many countries, churches, mosques and other institutions are holding services online, or canceling them altogether. But some religious leaders insist on going ahead as normal. In the U.S. state of Louisiana, one church defied the state governor’s advice and held a service last Sunday that attracted more than 1,800 people. Health experts have warned that social distancing is essential to limiting the spread of the coronavirus, which has killed more than 25,000 people worldwide and infected more than a half-million. 

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Amazon India Delivery of Essential Goods Disrupted

India’s coronavirus lockdown is disrupting e-commerce companies including Amazon and Flipkart, despite government assurances it would not, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Differing state and district level regulations relating to the 21-day lockdown, which began on Wednesday, are hindering operations, the sources said on Friday, with e-commerce firms finding it difficult to get curfew passes for delivery staff.
The disruptions highlight the difficulties of ensuring the supply of essential goods to 1.3 billion people during the shutdown in India, which has so far reported 724 cases of coronavirus and 17 deaths.
Most of Amazon’s 60 plus fulfillment centers in India are shut and the U.S. company is in talks with state authorities to try to reopen them, three of the sources said.
Industry executives say local authorities have not followed guidelines, stopping deliveries and warehouses from operating.
“It’s worse than one can think,” one source said, while a second added that only a “miniscule” number of Amazon warehouses were operating, citing this as a key reason for disruptions.
Even when operations do begin to return to normal, it will only be in major cities, the second source added.
Amazon said in a statement that its top priority was to deliver the products which customers need the most and it was seeking urgent help from federal government and local authorities with detailed on-the-ground operating procedures.
In New Delhi, Amazon’s Pantry service was suspended and the delivery slot for essential goods, such as oil and soaps, was shown as being April 26.
“There are clear guidelines provided by Government to enable essential services, and so we are working with the relevant authorities to ensure we are able to operate,” Amazon said on Twitter in response to questions from users in India.
Indian trade minister Piyush Goyal held a meeting with e-commerce executives on Thursday and said the government was “committed to ensuring that essential goods reach the people.”
Walmart-owned Flipkart has also been hit, with some grocery items which had been available earlier on Friday in New Delhi intermittently going out of stock.
A source familiar with the situation said Flipkart was facing challenges with last-mile delivery of goods once they leave its warehouse due to restrictions on movement.
Flipkart said in a statement it had resumed grocery operations and there was a significant spike in orders.
“We are enhancing capacity to meet the increase in customer requirements,” it said, adding it had received support from local and federal authorities.  

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“Спасем Италию, россияне пусть подыхают!” Гуманитарное шулерство пукина

“Спасем Италию, россияне пусть подыхают!” Гуманитарное шулерство пукина.

80 процентов российских поставок в Италию бесполезны, сообщает LaStampa со ссылкой на “политические источники высокого уровня”

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Карликовый кощей опозорился на G20 – “Снимите, пожалуйста, полезные санкции”

Карликовый кощей опозорился на G20 – “Снимите, пожалуйста, полезные санкции”.

На саммите большой двадцатки пукин умолял снять санкции, которые как-будто помогли россиянам “включить мозги” и укрепить экономический суверенитет России

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РИМ — НАШ! Карлик пукин гибридно оккупирует Европу вслед за коронавирусом

РИМ — НАШ! Карлик пукин гибридно оккупирует Европу вслед за коронавирусом.

О резком усилении угроз для Европейского Союза со стороны русского рейха

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Reaction to News UK’s Johnson Has Tested Positive for Coronavirus

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he had tested positive for coronavirus and was in self-isolation at his Downing Street office.
Here is reaction to the news.
   Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of UK’s Opposition Labor Party 
“I wish the Prime Minister a speedy recovery and hope his family are safe and healthy. Coronavirus can and does affect anyone. Everyone be safe. Our own health depends on everybody else.”   
 Indain Prime Minister Narendra Modi 
“You’re a fighter and you will overcome this challenge as well. Prayers for your good health and best wishes in ensuring a healthy UK.”
 Northern Ireland’s First Minister Arlene Foster 
“Best wishes to the Prime Minister and Carrie (Symonds, Johnson’s fiancee). No one is immune. Let’s all follow the guidelines.”
 Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon 
“I send my very best wishes to Boris Johnson and his family. I don’t underestimate for anybody how difficult it is to be positive for this virus so I certainly send my best wishes to him for a very speedy recovery.”

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Scotland Reports 1,059 Coronavirus Cases, 33 Deaths

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon reports that as of Friday, there were 1,059 cases of COVID-19 in Scotland — an increase of 165 from Thursday.
At a news conference Friday in Edinburgh, Sturgeon also reported an additional eight deaths from the virus overnight, bringing the total number of fatalities in Scotland to 33.
The first minister said she expects those numbers to be an underestimate. She urged people to stay indoors, and to go out only for essential shopping and exercise, or care for others.   
Sturgeon also stressed the importance of supporting mental health during the coronavirus crisis, and she announced Friday about $4.7 billion in additional funding for National Health Service mental health support services, including 24-hour support phone lines and internet services. 

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Кощей проснулся! 122 000 зараженных в россии

Кощей проснулся! 122 000 зараженных в россии.

Реальное количество инфицированных в россии измеряется десятками тысяч, поэтому пукин отменил свое обнуление и огласил каникулы

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У толстозадого коломойского паника. Зеленский побежал к американцам за деньгами

У толстозадого коломойского паника. Зеленский побежал к американцам за деньгами.

Владимир Зеленский вдруг осознал, что без денег МВФ Украине будет конец. Вонючка коломойский поднял бунт

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Американский костюм для пукина или очередное кино от кремля

Американский костюм для пукина или очередное кино от кремля.

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Belarusian Journalist Satsuk Detained for Alleged Bribe Taking

The Belarusian news website says state authorities have detained its director and editor in chief on suspicion of accepting a bribe.
Syarhey Satsuk was detained on March 25 during a special operation by officers from the Financial Investigations Department, the website said on March 26.
The editorial office of the online publication was searched following the detention of the site’s editor in chief, the Belarusian Association of Journalists said, adding that documents were seized during the operation.
Calling the accusations against Satsuk “lies and nonsense,” his brother, Alyaksandr Satsuk, told RFE/RL that he did not rule out that the detention may be connected with investigative reporting he’s done into alleged corruption at the Health Ministry related to the import of medications.
The OSCE representative on freedom of the media, Harlem Desir, on March 26 said he was “very much concerned” over Satsuk’s detention.
Desir noted that the journalist is “known for his previous reporting on corruption issues in the health sector” and also recently published articles critical of the country’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The OSCE representative insisted that journalists “should not be intimidated, prosecuted, or detained for reporting on issues of public interest and on the COVID-19 situation.”
“Journalists have a key role to play in reporting on the pandemic and in providing important information to the public,” he added.

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Nigerian Education Technology Seeks to Bridge Learning Gap

Nigeria’s education system suffers from low funding and a shortage of quality teachers, especially in public schools. Now, digital innovators are looking at ways to teach Nigerian children with mobile learning applications. Ifiok Ettang reports from Jos, Nigeria.

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