Watchdog: Guatemala Needs to Win Back Trust of Media

Guatemala’s fractured relationship with the press is being put to the test during the fight to contain the coronavirus, a report by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists found.At a time when Guatemalans need access to independent reporting on the coronavirus, conditions for press freedom are “unsound,” CPJ said.   The FILE – Alejandro Giammattei, accompanied by his daughter, Ana Marcela, waves to the crowd after he was sworn in as president of Guatemala at the National Theater in Guatemala City, Jan. 14, 2020.President Alejandro Giammattei, who was elected in August, has an opportunity to redress challenges for the media and regain their trust, CPJ said.The press freedom group called on officials to decriminalize defamation, investigate digital and physical attacks on the press, and ensure the media have easy access to information.Natalie Southwick, head of CPJ’s Central and South America program, told VOA that Giammattei appeared open to better relations with the press.“It is encouraging to see that Guatemala has not followed the troubling example of some other countries in the region that have used the pandemic as a pretext to roll back constitutional protections for free expression or closed off access to information,” Southwick said.“However, it’s important to remember that the Guatemalan government has previously implemented similar measures imposing martial law and other restrictions in some regions of the country due to violence or other incidents, and those conditions have absolutely restricted the work of journalists,” she said.Risk in environmental reportingEnvironmental reporting, including coverage of corruption or illegal mining and extraction industries, increased the risk of attack or arrest for indigenous journalists or those reporting from rural regions, the report found.CPJ interviewed Carlos Choc, a reporter from the local news website Prensa Comunitaria, who was forced into hiding after authorities issued a warrant for his arrest.At the time, Choc and his outlet were investigating allegations of pollution in Guatemala’s Lake Izabal region and clashes between police and protesters.
Choc told CPJ he believed the warrant, which accused him of illegal protest and other crimes, was an attempt by authorities to silence him.The report found indigenous radio stations were also at a disadvantage, with license frequencies auctioned at prices beyond their means. Because of the cost and other challenges, local broadcasters often operate on illegal frequencies.“Even without the context of a global pandemic, it’s absolutely fundamental that rural and indigenous journalists and communities outside of the major cities have access to radio frequencies as a means to share information and keep their communities informed and safe,” Southwick said.Radio is the preferred means of communication in remote regions, where internet access is limited or Spanish is not the predominant language, she said.The Guatemala Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to VOA’s request for comment.Positive stepsThe report noted some positive developments from the government. The attorney general in December announced it was expanding a special prosecutor’s office that investigates crimes against journalists, and the president’s office has said it is committed to greater transparency.  The CPJ said that the government needed to do more to tackle online harassment and smear campaigns against journalists who report critically on politics or business, and that it should set up a journalist protection plan that officials committed to eight years ago.Editor’s note: An editor of this article formerly worked at the Committee to Protect Journalists and helped edit its Guatemala report.

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Indian Migrant Workers Trudge Hundreds of Kilometers for COVID-19 Lockdowns

Hari Singh, a migrant worker in Mumbai, walked for two days with just a few stops as he tried to reach his village more than 800 kilometers away in northern Rajasthan state after India announced a nationwide lockdown on Wednesday. He spent the night on the roadside. He was not alone. There were about 200 others trekking on the road, hoping to return to the sanctuary of their homes and villages. Singh is among the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers desperate to leave cities where they are stranded without work or money as India shuts down for three weeks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. With all transportation, such as trains and buses, suspended, many are making arduous journeys of hundreds of kilometers on foot, lugging bags or clutching small bundles. For Singh, 21, even that option did not work — police turned him back after he had trudged over 150 kilometers. Following reports of an exodus of workers from cities, authorities have tightened surveillance to prevent people from crossing states amid fears that they could carry the virus to the vast countryside, defeating the effort to contain its spread.   A migrant worker carries a child on his shoulders as his family waits for transportation to their village in New Delhi, India, March 28, 2020.Trains and buses went out of service on Sunday with almost no notice, giving people little time to leave.India has recorded more than 800 cases of coronavirus and 19 deaths but hopes the lockdown will stave off a bigger outbreak. The clampdown caught migrant workers in its teeming cities unaware. Numbering about 100 million and coming from poorer states, they build roads and swanky buildings, work as shop assistants, security guards and cooks, and do other casual jobs to keep the wheels of metropolises like Delhi and Mumbai running.  The federal government has asked local authorities to provide food, sanitation and accommodation to migrants, but rolling out those benefits will take time. Neither will they be able to access food rations and cash transfers announced under a $22 billion package for poor people, because they don’t have identity cards in cities.   That is why migrant workers are yearning to return to the security of their villages, where they have homes, food and support systems from close-knit communities. And many are risking a difficult journey on foot despite reports of police turning back those trying to leave. The long trek along highways is not easy — eateries are shut and water is scarce. Raman Kumar, a resident of a satellite town near Delhi, who operated a small food joint with two friends, hit the road on Saturday morning with two others to his village 600 kilometers away in Punjab state. “It will take me eight or 10 days. I don’t know whether I will reach but I will definitely not turn back. It is better to die,” he asserted. He was hoping to hitch rides with trucks carrying vegetables or food, which are still plying the roads, but he had not met with any success so far. Kumar was able to get one meal from some good Samaritans, who were distributing rice and lentils.  Girdhari Lal, who works as a laborer in Maharashtra, has waited for the past week to collect his dues from his contractor, but has not been able to contact him. Having run out of money, he has no option but to try to reach his village in Rajasthan on foot.“I will start walking this evening. Will I have a problem? Please tell me if you can find out anything,” he asked me in desperation.A nonprofit group running shelters for the homeless in the Indian capital says that it has been overwhelmed by migrants knocking on its doors in recent days. “Thousands of such people have started coming to our shelters because their resources are getting exhausted. And we cannot say no to anyone. There is huge pressure on us,” said Vishwajeet Ghosal at Prayas JAC Society.As the numbers of those exiting cities swells, authorities in some states have begun organizing buses to ferry home those stuck on the road. And there have been heartening reports of people handing out food and water to migrants on the march.While announcing the lockdown, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told citizens that protecting the lives of Indians was his top priority.In an editorial, the Indian Express said that along with addressing the public health challenge, the country will have to find ways to alleviate the mounting distress of rickshaw pullers, construction workers and other daily wagers.Those racing to mitigate the impact of the lockdown on the most vulnerable say more planning was needed before the world’s biggest shutdown came into effect. An official at a nonprofit, who did not want to be named, said authorities would have to move quickly to ensure that the prospect of hunger facing migrants does not aggravate the problem posed by the pandemic. “People should go home. That is where they will be safer,” said Khandelwal of Aajeevika.  

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Cameroonian Muslims Defy Coronavirus Prayer Restrictions

Muslims in Cameroon have defied and are protesting government restrictions on prayer attendance at mosques, imposed to reduce the spread of COVID-19, which has so far been confirmed in 92 people in less than a month.The Muslims say the government order defies God’s teachings. Hundreds of Muslim faithful attended their Friday worship sessions in mosques throughout Cameroon despite the government order for prayers to be said at home and for numbers in worship houses to be limited.As a sign of protest, they sat in front of mosques for 20 minutes.
The government said most of those defying the order were on the central African state’s northern border with Nigeria. Student Koulanya Abo, 23, said he went to the mosque in the town of Maroua in the Far North region of Cameroon to pray for Allah to rid the world of the disease.”This is a time people have to go to the mosque and pray ceaselessly. Anything out of that will not be tolerated by Allah, because this is a period where people are facing a lot of difficulties due to the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19,” Abo said.Terrorist areaCameroon’s Far North region has been an epicenter of Boko Haram terrorist attacks for 10 years. The Nigerian Islamist militants want to create an Islamist caliphate. They have not made a statement on their stand on COVID-19.However, Bouba Bakary, the traditional leader and Muslim spiritual guide of Maroua, said that when he noticed resistance to the government order, he directed clerics under him to keep an eye on extremists.He said he told the 1,200 imams and clerics under his authority that the measures taken by the government were aimed at saving their lives and protecting their communities from a deadly disease that has killed thousands of people all over the world. He said there was a surprising amount of resistance, and he wanted the government to take further measures that would  force the faithful to obey the instructions and at the same time maintain peace.
Bakary said he was also asking the government to use such local languages as Fulfulde and Haoussa to inform both clerics and the faithful who may not understand French that COVID-19 kills, and that the decision that people should stop crowding into mosques was made to save their lives.Cameroonian Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education Monouna Foutsou said the situation was very worrying. He has sent youths not only to the regions where there is resistance but all over Cameroon to inform civilians that they should abide by the measures or they will be punished.Youths sent to spread wordHe said President Paul Biya had instructed him to advise Cameroonians to be socially responsible, and he has dispatched youths to towns and villages with loudspeakers, flyers and banners to try to persuade the population to adhere to the lifesaving measures directed by the government. He said the government would not spare anyone who exhibited irresponsibility after the two-day education phase.
A crisis meeting was held at the Defense Ministry on Friday, where it was decided that the military would be deployed to areas where there is resistance.
The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Cameroon on February 6. Health officials said Saturday that the number of confirmed cases had increased to 92. Two people have died.
In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, Cameroon on March 18 closed its borders and suspended issuance of visas into the country until further notice. The central African state also closed all schools and asked Christians and Muslims to limit worship attendance and pray at home.

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Taliban Rejects Afghan Team for Peace Talks

The Taliban have refused to engage in talks with a team of negotiators announced by the Afghan government, saying the move violates the insurgent group’s peace-building pact with the United States.The insurgent refusal came on a day when Taliban fighters unleashed a new wave of attacks against government forces in northern Afghanistan and overran a district.  Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s government on Thursday announced a 21-member “inclusive” team to negotiate a sustainable peace and power sharing with the Taliban.  U.S. special representative Zalmay Khalilzad, who negotiated and signed the deal with the Taliban on February 29, also hailed the proposed negotiating team as a “meaningful step,” saying it moved the parties “significantly closer” to intra-Afghan negotiations. But chief Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid on Saturday dismissed the team, insisting it lacked representation of all Afghans. He said in a statement the Taliban has long maintained the government can participate in intra-Afghan negotiations only as a group like other factions in the country. “But as the team is announced by the Kabul administration, it thus violates our principled policy and the agreement concluded with America,” Mujahid insisted.  The Taliban denounces the government as illegitimate and an American puppet. Mujahid alleged Kabul’s move was meant to “monopolize” the issues and create “impediments” on the way to intra-Afghan negotiations.  “We shall only sit for talks with a negotiation team that conforms with our agreements and is constituted in accordance with the laid-out principles,” Mujahid said.  FILE – Jailed Taliban fighters are seen inside the Pul-e-Charkhi prison in Kabul, Afghanistan, Dec. 14, 2019.Prisoner swap After weeks of hesitation, the Afghan government this week agreed in a video conference with Qatar-based Taliban leaders that Kabul would begin releasing 5,000 insurgent prisoners starting March 31 in exchange for 1,000 detainees, mostly security forces, in Taliban custody.Under the U.S.-Taliban agreement, intra-Afghan talks would begin immediately after the prisoner swap was concluded.  But it was not clear whether the prisoner release would go ahead in the wake of refusal by the Taliban to negotiate with the government-appointed team. For its part of the agreement, Washington has agreed to withdraw all American and coalition forces from Afghanistan in the next 14 months. The U.S. drawdown has already begun.  Fighting amid virus spread Officials said Saturday that the Taliban had assaulted several northern provinces, including Kunduz, Badakhshan and Faryab.  The insurgents inflicted heavy casualties on Afghan security forces and captured the beleaguered Yumgan district in Badakhshan, while heavy clashes were reportedly also raging in the nearby Jurm district.  The Taliban were also targeting government outposts near the capital of troubled Kunduz province.The renewed fighting comes amid domestic and international appeals for a cease-fire to help limit the spread of the coronavirus in Afghanistan, where more than 100 people have tested positive for the pandemic disease and cases are on the rise. Afghan authorities have imposed a partial lockdown in Kabul and the western city of Herat, where most of the coronavirus cases are located. Herat borders Iran, and Afghan officials say nationals returning from the neighboring country have imported the deadly virus.  

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African Students Stuck in China: ‘Our Pleas Are Falling on Deaf Ears’

Michael Girma wants to go home.The 25-year-old student misses his sister and brother. He misses his mother, and his friends 5,000 miles away.Since late January, Girma has been trapped in Wuhan, China, the original epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak.Girma studies electrical engineering at Hubei University of Technology, along the Xunsi River, near the middle of Wuhan.He’s also an Ethiopian citizen, and like hundreds of other Ethiopian college students studying in China, he has not been evacuated.Instead, he’s spent the past two months at the heart of a pandemic that has now spread to six continents.“I mostly spend my time watching movies on Netflix,” Girma told VOA. “I try to read, but it’s more depressing at a time like this. My mind is numb right now,” he said.‘It is now messing with our minds’China’s efforts to curb the spread of the disease have produced dramatic results.After weeks of surging cases, Beijing reported no new local infections March 19. Now, imported cases, from Chinese returning from overseas, pose the gravest risk.However, containing the outbreak has required an aggressive response, particularly in Wuhan, where travel in and out of the city has been blocked, and sick patients not needing hospitalization have been separated from their families in isolation shelters.Girma and other foreign students stuck in Wuhan have been told it will be until at least mid-April before travel restrictions are eased.That’s little comfort to those who have felt trapped for months.“It is now messing with our minds,” Girma told VOA via WhatsApp. “For some, it is getting worse psychologically. Some of them even don’t have friends and are separated from them, so they are lonely and depressed,” he added.Government responsesGirma credits the Chinese government with taking decisive action to save people’s lives.“For the time being from China,” he said, “the Chinese government is doing its best and it is doing its best for its citizens who need monitoring and assistance due to the virus.”He faults the Ethiopian government, though, for not doing more to assist its citizens in Wuhan.In early March, some African countries — but not Ethiopia — evacuated their citizens as the virus began to spread rapidly in Hubei province.Instead, the Ethiopian government began providing students in Hubei a two-month $400 allowance to buy food and necessities, Girma said.Ethiopia’s ambassador to China, Teshome Toga Chanaka, helped coordinate a task force with the student union in Wuhan.“The situation was very scary and worrisome given the nature of the virus. We therefore focused on protection and care for them where they are,” Chanaka said.According to Girma, though, only about half of 300 students budgeted had received the stipend several weeks later. Even now, Girma and other students in Wuhan have identified at least 66 Ethiopians who have not received the payments.“Everyone is begging for a response right now,” Girma said.Students have been receiving aid, Chanaka said, but the Ethiopian government didn’t have accurate information for all its citizens.“The Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing has been processing the transfer based on the address and bank account of each student,” Chanaka said. “In the process, we have faced the problem of getting the correct address and account number for about 50 students.”Longing for homeGirma is the eldest of three children. His 19-year-old sister and 21-year-old brother live in Addis Ababa, along with their mother.Three months ago, Girma’s father died. Girma could not return home because he feared losing his student visa.When he finally returns home, he plans to eat injera, Ethiopia’s national dish, “nonstop” and talk to his mother around the clock. For now, he waits alone in his off-campus apartment, where, he figures, he has a better chance of leaving than his classmates on campus.As he waits, he’s seen the threat spread back home. As of March 27, Ethiopia had 16 confirmed coronavirus cases, with more than 3,700 cases across Africa.

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COVID-19 Started in China. To Change the Narrative, China Started to Tweet

Jeff Kao is a ProPublica reporter who FILE – In this Feb. 16, 2020, photo, a policeman stands guard at Tiananmen Gate following the coronavirus outbreak, in Beijing.Twitter continued, “Based on our intensive investigations, we have reliable evidence to support that this is a coordinated state-backed operation. As Twitter is blocked in PRC, many of these accounts accessed Twitter using VPNs.”The accounts belonged to a “larger, spammy network of approximately 200,00 accounts” that the platform suspended for violating a range of rules covering all users.“I think when social media was created, people in general hoped that it would encourage a more open civil society, discussion of opinion would be easier,” said Vincent Wang, dean pf the College of Arts and Sciences and political science professor at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York.“But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took advantage of the open society and freedom of speech in the West and made it a tool for its own propaganda against democracy,” he said.Kao told VOA Mandarin that he noticed the accounts tweeting about Hong Kong changed.  As the coronavirus spread, the accounts focusing on Hong Kong changed to focus on the epidemic initially covered up by Beijing after it was linked to a market in Wuhan selling wildlife, such as bats, for human consumption. Many coronaviruses, such as COVID-19, start out in animals and jump to humans.As the epidemic raged through China, many of the accounts “became cheerleaders for the government, calling on citizens to unite in support of efforts to fight the epidemic and urging them to ‘dispel online rumors,’” wrote Kao. As the epidemic spread worldwide and became a pandemic, the accounts pointed out China’s response at home.FILE PHOTO: Employees wearing face masks work on a car seat assembly line at Yanfeng Adient factory in Shanghai, China, as the country is hit by an outbreak of a new coronavirus, February 24, 2020.“We were not scared during the outbreak because our country was our rearguard. Many disease fighting warriors were thrust to the front lines” said one. Others pointed out Beijing’s aid to countries such as Italy to ensure Staff members move barriers in front of a railway station of Wuhan on the first day of inbound train services resumed following the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Wuhan, China, March 28, 2020.“So, it’s a pretty vast effort, and it really makes it pretty difficult for people to understand what’s the truth, particularly if the whole thing is just designed to create one narrative.”Calls to the Chinese Embassy in Washington for comment Friday evening were directed automatically to an operator, then went to music before cutting off.Wang called for congressional hearings on nations’ use of Twitter and other platforms to spread disinformation. He wants lawmakers to find a way to protect the principle of freedom of speech while stopping the Chinese Communist Party from “making negative use of the technology for its own propaganda.”He said he believes it would be futile to block China’s accounts.“If you do that, China would have a lot of ways to cope with it by setting up even more new accounts.Wang told VOA Mandarin the best way to combat China’s disinformation efforts is “to raise (the) public’s awareness, so that people using social media can understand that if a so-called news (item) is bad quality information, a lie or disinformation, no matter how many times it is repeated, even if thousands times, it still will not become truth.”

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Идеальный шторм для “энергетической сверхдержавы”: конец халявной экономики уже близко…

Идеальный шторм для “энергетической сверхдержавы”: конец халявной экономики уже близко…

Срыв запуска “Северного потока-2” – это не самая большая неприятность “национального достояния” последнего времени. Мокшандия пожинает прелести своего положения так называемой “энергетической сверхдержавы”…

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Пучеглазый песков подставил карлика пукина! Обнуление сроков может уже и не будет!

Пучеглазый песков подставил карлика пукина! Обнуление сроков может уже и не будет!

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Лицемерие пукина и просьба отменить санкции

Лицемерие пукина и просьба отменить санкции.

Не важно кто что говорит, важно кто что делает. Ведь пукин совсем недавно в интервью тасс заявлял, что плевал он на эти санкции, а тут на саммите G20 просит снять эти самые санкции. Несостыковочка. Правда условия никакие разумеется не выполнены. И в это время он встречался с предпринимателями и даже наши пропагандисты позавидуют, как те его нахваливали и благодарили

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Kenya Taking Drastic Measures to Curb Coronavirus Spread

Kenya’s government is implementing drastic measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, although the country has only 31 confirmed cases of infection.A curfew from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. was enforced Friday, and all international flights have been suspended.Economists have warned that any lockdowns must be accompanied by a plan for how the poor will have access to basic items, otherwise the eruption of violence is likely.”If the government does put in place 24-hour lockdown, or maybe several days lockdown, there is bound to be violence because you have to have a lockdown with a plan of how people will access food,” Kenyan economist James Shikwati said.Thousands of Kenyans have lost their jobs already due to social distancing.Kenya reported its first death from COVID-19 Thursday. 

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Economists Fear Eruption of Violence if Lockdown Enforced

Kenya’s government is implementing drastic measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, although the country has only 31 confirmed cases of infection.A curfew from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. was enforced Friday, and all international flights have been suspended.Economists have warned that any lockdowns must be accompanied by a plan for how the poor will have access to basic items, otherwise the eruption of violence is likely.”If the government does put in place 24-hour lockdown, or maybe several days lockdown, there is bound to be violence because you have to have a lockdown with a plan of how people will access food,” Kenyan economist James Shikwati said.Thousands of Kenyans have lost their jobs already due to social distancing.Kenya reported its first death from COVID-19 Thursday. 

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‘Our Pleas Are Falling on Deaf Ears’: African Students Stuck in China Plead for Help

Michael Girma wants to go home.The 25-year-old student misses his sister and brother. He misses his mother, and his friends 5,000 miles away.Since late January, Girma has been trapped in Wuhan, China, the original epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak.Girma studies electrical engineering at Hubei University of Technology, along the Xunsi River, near the middle of Wuhan.He’s also an Ethiopian citizen, and like hundreds of other Ethiopian college students studying in China, he has not been evacuated.Instead, he’s spent the past two months at the heart of a pandemic that has now spread to six continents.“I mostly spend my time watching movies on Netflix,” Girma told VOA. “I try to read, but it’s more depressing at a time like this. My mind is numb right now,” he said.‘It is now messing with our minds’China’s efforts to curb the spread of the disease have produced dramatic results.After weeks of surging cases, Beijing reported no new local infections March 19. Now, imported cases, from Chinese returning from overseas, pose the gravest risk.However, containing the outbreak has required an aggressive response, particularly in Wuhan, where travel in and out of the city has been blocked, and sick patients not needing hospitalization have been separated from their families in isolation shelters.Girma and other foreign students stuck in Wuhan have been told it will be until at least mid-April before travel restrictions are eased.That’s little comfort to those who have felt trapped for months.“It is now messing with our minds,” Girma told VOA via WhatsApp. “For some, it is getting worse psychologically. Some of them even don’t have friends and are separated from them, so they are lonely and depressed,” he added.Government responsesGirma credits the Chinese government with taking decisive action to save people’s lives.“For the time being from China,” he said, “the Chinese government is doing its best and it is doing its best for its citizens who need monitoring and assistance due to the virus.”He faults the Ethiopian government, though, for not doing more to assist its citizens in Wuhan.In early March, some African countries — but not Ethiopia — evacuated their citizens as the virus began to spread rapidly in Hubei province.Instead, the Ethiopian government began providing students in Hubei a two-month $400 allowance to buy food and necessities, Girma said.Ethiopia’s ambassador to China, Teshome Toga Chanaka, helped coordinate a task force with the student union in Wuhan.“The situation was very scary and worrisome given the nature of the virus. We therefore focused on protection and care for them where they are,” Chanaka said.According to Girma, though, only about half of 300 students budgeted had received the stipend several weeks later. Even now, Girma and other students in Wuhan have identified at least 66 Ethiopians who have not received the payments.“Everyone is begging for a response right now,” Girma said.Students have been receiving aid, Chanaka said, but the Ethiopian government didn’t have accurate information for all its citizens.“The Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing has been processing the transfer based on the address and bank account of each student,” Chanaka said. “In the process, we have faced the problem of getting the correct address and account number for about 50 students.”Longing for homeGirma is the eldest of three children. His 19-year-old sister and 21-year-old brother live in Addis Ababa, along with their mother.Three months ago, Girma’s father died. Girma could not return home because he feared losing his student visa.When he finally returns home, he plans to eat injera, Ethiopia’s national dish, “nonstop” and talk to his mother around the clock. For now, he waits alone in his off-campus apartment, where, he figures, he has a better chance of leaving than his classmates on campus.As he waits, he’s seen the threat spread back home. As of March 27, Ethiopia had 16 confirmed coronavirus cases, with more than 3,700 cases across Africa.

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Congressman Raises Concerns Over Trump Administration Tactics on Kosovo

A prominent member of the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday issued a highly critical statement on U.S. policy toward Kosovo.Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. Since than the country has been recognized by more than 110 countries, including the United States, but not by Serbia and its ally Russia.House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, a Democrat, said there is something wrong with the U.S. foreign policy toward Kosovo and “we need to correct it.”In his statement, Engel expressed his serious concerns “with the heavy-handed tactics the Trump administration is using with Prishtina,” Kosovo’s capital.Engel was referring to State Department pressure on Prishtina, especially on the government of Prime Minister Albin Kurti, to lift tariffs the country had imposed on Serbia.“This administration turned to economic penalties just a few short weeks after the Kurti government took office. Rather than letting a new government facing a pandemic staff its agencies and set up internal procedures, the U.S. contributed to a political crisis in Prishtina over the tariffs on Serbia,” Engel said.On March 25, after only 50 days in office, the Kurti government did not survive a no-confidence vote in parliament, initiated by its ruling coalition partner, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).The government was dismissed following political bickering over whether to declare a state of emergency to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and after Kurti dismissed the LDK internal affairs minister, Agim Veliu.Kurti’s government is expected to continue as a caretaker government, pending creation of a new government.“There are good reasons for Kosovo to lift tariffs, mostly that they are hurting Kosovo more than they are providing leverage to reach a peace deal with Serbia,” Engel said.“Regardless, tariffs are a legitimate tool of a sovereign nation. As such, they’ve been imposed around the world by [U.S.] President [Donald] Trump against friends and foes, alike, for economic and political reasons,” Engel said.Engel said the Trump administration used “overbearing tactics with a friend which relies on our support” instead of working with Kurti government, “as it sought to work with the previous Kosovo government” to forge policies that promote lasting peace and prosperity.“Strong-arming a small democracy is the act of a bully,” Engel said.While Serbian diplomats are campaigning around the world to “derecognize” Kosovo’s independence, and Serbia is purchasing heavy weaponry from Russia and strengthening the relationship with Moscow, the pressure imposed on Prishtina for its tariffs on Serbia has been “decidedly unbalanced,” Engel said.The U.S., he added, should work with European allies “to treat both countries as independent and sovereign partners, applying consistent standards to both sides as we try to restart peace talks.”The arms purchases from Russia require U.S. sanctions on Serbia under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, passed in the aftermath of 2016 Russian interference in U.S. elections, Engel said.“Neither have we imposed those sanctions, nor have we energetically pressed Serbia to end its derecognition efforts,” Engel said.“When U.S. law says we should sanction Serbia due to its security ties with Russia, we should.”    

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Chinese Firm Offers to Replace Faulty Test Kits Sold to Spain

A Chinese company offered Friday to replace thousands of faulty coronavirus test kits after Spanish health authorities – desperate for materials to cope with the world’s second highest COVID-19 death toll – complained they did not work as promised.China has sold face masks and other medical equipment through a series of personal contacts with Spanish authorities, including discussions between chief executives of Chinese tech giant Alibaba and Spain’s King Felipe.But the first shipment of 640,000 test kits was found to have “insufficient sensibility” to reliably identify infected patients, according to Health Minister Salvador Illa, who announced Thursday that 58,000 kits had been returned.FILE – This undated file photo provided by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows CDC’s laboratory test kit for the new coronavirus.The Chinese company supplying the test kits, Shenzhen Bioeasy Technology, said in a statement quoted by Reuters that the incorrect results may have resulted from a failure to collect samples or use the kits correctly.The firm said it had not adequately communicated with clients how to use the kits and would resend them “assuring the sensitivity and specificity needed to help Spain fight against COVID-19.”Spanish medical experts, who have examined the 9,000 kits delivered last week, said they have only a 30 percent probability of detecting the virus.“They are useless,” said Victor Jimenez Cid, a senior professor in microbiology at Madrid’s Complutense University. For a test to be effective it must have a 70 percent to 80 percent probability of detecting the virus, Cid said.The failure of Bioeasy’s testing kits is a painful setback for Spanish medical authorities, who are struggling to cope with more than 64,000 cases of COVID-19 and more than 4,900 deaths, second only to Italy.It is also hugely embarrassing to China, which is seeking to rehabilitate a national image tarnished by its faulty early response to the virus in Wuhan by offering assistance to other hard-hit countries.“First they send us the virus, then they sell us the medications to stop it and then defraud us. It’s great for China” said a guest in a panel discussion on a broadcast on the Spanish TV channel La Sexta.An emergency worker wearing a protective suit closes the door of an ambulance transferring a COVID-19 patient in Barcelona, Spain, March 27, 2020.The test is performed by dipping a swab with a sample of a patient’s saliva in a protein extraction that gives color indications of the virus’s presence. The speedy method is essential for emergency examinations by hospitals as well as improvised drive-through facilities that Spanish authorities are setting up to isolate and quickly treat cases of contamination.Until now, Spanish hospitals have relied on slower molecular laboratory testing, which requires specialized personnel and take four hours to produce a result. Tests like those offered by Bioeasy are supposed to produce a diagnosis in 15 minutes.Mass testing methods proved essential in South Korea’s successful effort against coronavirus and they are recommended by the World Health Organization as an essential way of controlling the pandemic’s spread.A priest wearing a gloves to protect against coronavirus waits in front the cemetery chapel during the coronavirus outbreak in Madrid, Spain, March 27, 2020.The Chinese embassy in Spain tweeted that Shenzen Bioeasy is not licensed to sell the product and is not included on a list of “recommended suppliers,” which its ministry of commerce offered the Spanish government.Spain’s health ministry said Bioeasy products have been approved by European Union quality control agencies and that the “specifications of this test, at least of the lot that was received, do not correspond with EU quality certifications.”Officials said the deal with Bioeasy was made through an unidentified intermediary.Health ministry emergency coordinator Fernando Simon said Spain is trying to import 6 million testing kits from China and other EU countries. He also said that “intense efforts” are underway with Spanish biotechnology firms to produce them. 

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