Junta states’ exit hangs over West African summit 

ABUJA — A West African leaders’ summit opened amid political turmoil Sunday after the military rulers of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso cemented a breakaway union at a rival meeting. 

The three countries announced they were forming a new confederation, and their defiant first gathering on the eve of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) summit marked another test for the regional bloc they split from earlier this year. 

ECOWAS is already wrestling with sweeping jihadi violence, financial trouble and the challenges of mustering a regional force. 

It was not clear how the fractured bloc would respond after Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso adopted a treaty establishing a “Confederation of Sahel States” in Niamey on Saturday. 

But ECOWAS Commission chief Omar Alieu Touray said the three countries risked “political isolation” and losing millions of dollars in investments. 

The break would also worsen insecurity and hamper the work of the long-proposed regional force, he said before the bloc began a closed-door session in Nigeria’s capital Abuja. 

“Our region is facing the risk of disintegration,” he warned. 

Backs turned 

The juntas in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso came to power in a series of coups over recent years and announced their joint departure from ECOWAS in January. 

They have shifted away from former colonial ruler France and expelled French troops, with Niger’s General Abdourahamane Tiani calling for the establishment of a “community far removed from the stranglehold of foreign powers.” 

“Our people have irrevocably turned their backs on ECOWAS,” Tiani said Saturday, rebuffing the bloc’s pleas to come back into the fold. 

The Sahel countries’ ECOWAS exit was fueled in part by their accusation that Paris was manipulating the bloc and not providing enough support for anti-jihadi efforts.  

Several West African leaders have called for the resumption of dialogue and Sunday’s summit was the first for Senegal’s new President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who said in May that reconciliation was possible.  

Niger’s ties with ECOWAS deteriorated following the July 2023 coup that brought Tiani to power, when the bloc imposed sanctions and threatened to intervene militarily to restore ousted President Mohamed Bazoum.  

The sanctions were lifted in February, but relations remain bitter. 

Military force 

Ahead of the ECOWAS summit, defense and finance ministers have been looking into funding a “regional force to combat terrorism and restore constitutional order,” according to the ECOWAS Commission. 

It has called for the establishment of an initial 1,500-strong unit, and one proposal was to then muster a brigade of 5,000 soldiers at a cost of around $2.6 billion a year. 

ECOWAS has launched military interventions in the past, but its threat of doing so after the coup in Niger fizzled out.  

As the bloc grapples with regional challenges, Touray warned it was facing a “dire financial situation.” 

There were also reports of a rift over the possible reappointment of Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as ECOWAS chair. 

Media adviser to the Nigerian president Bayo Onanuga told AFP that “while some countries want him to remain because the region has faced some crisis, the Francophone countries want the seat.” 

Several French-speaking countries sent their foreign ministers to Sunday’s summit instead of their leaders. 

Benin’s foreign minister told AFP that President Patrice Talon would not be attending “for scheduling reasons” and denied a dispute, saying that Talon support Tinubu’s reappointment. 

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Key Islamic State commander reported killed in Afghanistan

Islamabad — Taliban security forces in Afghanistan claimed Sunday that they had killed a key Islamic State commander in an eastern province bordering Pakistan. 


An official Taliban media outlet reported that counter-terrorism forces in Nangarhar had raided a hideout of Islamic State Khorasan, also known as IS-K, an Afghan-based affiliate of the transnational extremist group. 


The Al-Mersaad outlet said that Sunday’s action had resulted in the killing of “Zakirullah … known as Abu Sher” and identified him as IS Khorasan’s military leader for the border province’s Achin district.  


The media report said “Taliban special forces” had concluded the operation in the Mohmand Dara district.  


It was not possible to verify Al-Mersaad’s claims from independent sources, nor have Taliban government officials commented on the operation in a province where IS Khorasan launched its extremist activities in Afghanistan and the region at large in 2015, with Achin as its headquarters.  


The Taliban returned to power in 2021 when all the United States-led NATO forces withdrew from the country after almost 20 years of involvement in the Afghan war. U.S. forces regularly conducted operations against IS Khorasan and killed several of its key leaders.  


The extremist group intensified suicide bombings and other attacks against security forces and members of the Afghan Shiite community after the Taliban takeover. The violence has killed hundreds of people, including prominent Taliban leaders and religious scholars.  


Taliban authorities say their sustained military actions against IS Khorasan hideouts have significantly degraded its ability to pose a threat to Afghanistan and beyond.   


De facto Afghan authorities have accused Pakistan and Tajikistan of “training and nurturing” IS Khorasan operatives on their respective soils.  


Both neighbors of Afghanistan have dismissed the accusation as frivolous and, in turn, blame the de facto rulers in Kabul for failing to prevent transnational terrorist groups from using their territory to threaten regional stability.  


A quarterly U.S. Department of Defense report made public in late May noted that Afghanistan-based IS Khorasan had “demonstrated increased transnational terrorism capabilities through large-scale, multiple casualty attacks” in the region.  


The report cited a January suicide bombing in neighboring Iran’s Kerman city of a memorial for a top Iranian military commander that killed at least 100 mourners. It added that IS Khorasan gunmen stormed a concert venue near Moscow in March, killing at least 140 people in what was described as the worst terrorist attack in Russia in 20 years. 


In March, General Michael Kurilla, the commander of the U.S. Central Command, testified to Congress on the growing terrorist threat emanating from Afghanistan, warning that Islamic State affiliates “retain the capability and the will” to attack the United States and its allies in Europe in as little as six months. 


The U.S. quarterly report stated that despite pledging to deny terrorist groups a sanctuary in Afghanistan, the Taliban “continued to privately provide shelter to al-Qaeda senior leaders while publicly denying that al-Qaeda uses its territory to pose threats to outside countries.”  


In a January report, the United Nations Security Council said that IS Khorasan “has continued to pose a major threat in Afghanistan and the region despite losses in territory, casualties, and high attrition among senior and mid-tier leadership figures.” 

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Heavy rains trigger landslides in Nepal, 11 killed, 8 missing

KATHMANDU — Heavy rains triggered landslides and flash floods killing at least 11 people in the last 36 hours in Nepal and blocking key highways and roads, officials said Sunday.

Eight people were missing, either washed away by floods or buried in landslides, while 12 others were injured and being treated in hospitals, police spokesperson Dan Bahadur Karki said.

“Rescue workers are trying to clear the landslides and open the roads,” Karki told Reuters, adding heavy equipment was being used to clear debris.

In southeastern Nepal, the Koshi River, which causes deadly floods in the eastern Indian state of Bihar almost every year, was flowing above the danger level, a district official said.

“The flow of Koshi is rising and we have asked residents to remain alert about possible floods,” Bed Raj Phuyal, a senior official of Sunsari district where the river flows, told Reuters. 

He said at 0900 hours (0315 hours GMT) water flow in Koshi River was 369,000 cusecs per second, more than double its normal flow of 150,000 cusecs.

Cusec is the measurement of the flow of water and one cusec is equal to one cubic foot per second. 

Authorities said all 56 sluice gates of the Koshi Barrage had been opened to drain out water compared with about 10-12 during a normal situation.

Authorities said the flows of Narayani, Rapti and Mahakali rivers in the west were also rising.

In hill-ringed Kathmandu, several rivers have overflown their banks, flooded roads and inundated many houses.

Local media showed people wading through waist-deep water or residents using buckets to empty their houses.

At least 50 people across Nepal have died in landslides, floods and lightning strikes since mid-June when annual monsoon rains started. 

Hundreds of people die every year in landslides and flash floods that are common in mostly mountainous Nepal during the monsoon season which normally starts in mid-June and continues through mid-September.

In the northeastern Indian state of Assam, floods have killed dozens and displaced thousands of people in the past few days. 

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Студія “квартал 95” відхрестилася від ухилянта і втікача руслана ханумака

Пресслужба студії “квартал 95” заперечила участь актора руслана ханумака у їхніх проєктах.

Як повідомляє пресслужба Студії “Квартал 95”, актор не співпрацює з командою від 2021 року. Тож вони не мають жодного стосунку до Руслана Ханумака й наголошують на недостовірності деякої інформації, яка шириться Мережею.

“Щодо вчинку Руслана Ханумака, новина про якого розлетілася по ЗМІ. Хочемо зазначити, що Руслан Ханумак ніколи не був штатним працівником Студії “Квартал 95”. Студія раніше співпрацювала з Русланом як зі сценаристом, режисером та актором тільки на умовах договорів замовлення. Від 2021 року Студія “Квартал 95” не має з Русланом Ханумаком ніяких цивільно-правових та трудових відносин. Отже, некоректно називати його зіркою чи тим більше актором Студії “Квартал 95”. Всі актори “Кварталу” перебувають в Україні”, — йдеться в офіційній заяві Студії “Квартал 95”.

Нагадаємо, актор Руслан Ханумак днями заявив про свій виїзд з України до США. За його словами, це сприятиме їхнім частішим зустрічам з сином, який проживає там не один рік. Також артист вже пояснив, як йому вдалося перетнути кордон під час війни й кому він “завдячує”.

Правда України

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Чоловіки, які оновили дані в ТЦК або через “Резерв+” вже отримують штрафи

Військовозобов’язані, які вже оновили дані в ТЦК або через “Резерв+” почали отримувати штрафи. Журналісти розбиралися, кому доведеться заплатити до 25 тисяч гривень ще до 16 липня.

Відповідно до закону про мобілізацію, українці у віці 18-60 років зобов’язані до 16 липня оновити військово-облікові дані в ТЦК та СП. В іншому разі їм доведеться заплатити штраф у розмірі від 17 тис. до 25,5 тис. грн.

Однак штраф за порушення мобілізаційного законодавства можуть виписати і з інших причин. Наприклад, якщо чоловік, старший за 27 років, вчасно прийде до ТЦК, щоб оновити військово-облікові дані та пройти ВЛК, але в нього не буде військового квитка. У цьому випадку ТЦК також можуть виписати штраф.

Штрафують тих, хто раніше не стояв на обліку. До редакції звернувся 30-річний чоловік, який нещодавно оновив дані в ТЦК та СП. Він розповів, що з’явився у військкомат, після того як йому вручили повістку. Чоловік оновив інформацію про себе і отримав направлення на проходження ВЛК, після чого його визнали придатним для проходження служби, але в певних військових підрозділах. А разом із цим виписали штраф у розмірі 17 тисяч грн за те, що коли йому було 27 років, він не з’явився до ТЦК, щоб отримати актуальні військово-облікові документи.

За словами адвоката Максима Дзиковського, штраф справді можуть виписати в тому разі, якщо чоловік раніше не стояв на військовому обліку в ТЦК або вчасно не поміняв приписне на військовий квиток.

“Штрафують за порушення правил мобілізаційної підготовки. Якщо в людини неактуальні військово-облікові документи — тобто чоловік не поміняв приписне в 30 років, хоча мав ще в 27 отримати новий документ, він вчинив адміністративне правопорушення, і йому можуть виписати штраф. Якщо у людини взагалі немає військово-облікових документів, тобто вона ніколи не приходила до ТЦК — це теж адміністративна відповідальність, і за це штраф”, — пояснює Дзиковський.

Також юрист додає, якщо людина не оновить дані до 16 липня, їй теж загрожує штраф.

“Закон зобов’язує всіх чоловіків віком 18-60 років оновити військово-облікові дані. Якщо людина цього не зробить, буде штраф. Але ми говоримо про один штраф. Тобто якщо у людини було приписне, яке вона мала поміняти у 27 років, а зараз їй 30, і вона цього не зробила, і до того ж вона не оновила військово-облікові дані до 16 липня, і ТЦК про це відомо, штраф їй випишуть тільки один раз за порушення правил мобілізаційної підготовки. Двічі штрафувати за одне й те саме порушення не можуть”, — пояснив експерт.

Штрафи збільшили до 25,5 тис. грн. Нагадаємо, у травні Верховна Рада збільшила розмір штрафів за порушення призовниками, військовозобов’язаними, резервістами правил військового обліку [стаття 210 КУпАП]:

у мирний час — від 3,4 до 5,1 тис. грн;
повторно протягом року — від 5,1 до 8,5 тис. грн;
в особливий період — від 17 до 25,5 тис. грн.

Отже, якщо чоловік уперше вчиняє правопорушення під час дії воєнного стану, йому доведеться заплатити 17 000 тис. грн.

Член комітету Верховної Ради з питань правоохоронної діяльності, нардеп Олександр Бакумов говорив, що, згідно із законом, людину не можуть оштрафувати за те, що вона не оновила дані, які військкомат може отримати з державних реєстрів. Тобто повідомити ТЦК потрібно актуальну контактну інформацію та фактичне місце проживання.

Стягнути штраф можуть протягом року. Але скласти постанови ТЦК повинні протягом трьох місяців з моменту виявлення факту правопорушення. Тобто якщо ТЦК виявили 1 вересня, що людина не оновила дані, у них є час до 1 грудня, щоб винести постанову.

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Благодійники з Полтавщини та Одещини виявились шахраями

Їх затримали прикордонники на Закарпатті.

Автомобіль, яким їхали жителі Полтавщини та Одещини, зупинив наряд від відділення інспекторів прикордонної служби «Хижа» Мукачівського загону на контрольному посту, розташованому на околиці населеного пункту Теково. Про це повідомили на сторінці Західного регіонального управління Держприкордонслужби України.

На неодноразові вимоги прикордонників водій відмовився надати автівку для огляду, натомість показав посвідчення комітету по боротьбі з корупцією та організованою злочинністю. Таке ж посвідчення мав і пасажир. Ці документи мали забезпечити їм безперешкодний проїзд через контрольні пости. Як з’ясували згодом прикордонники, надані документи сфальшовані.

Під час подальшого огляду, до якого долучилися співробітники оперативно-розшукового відділу «Дякове», у чоловіків також виявили посвідчення про належність до одного із благодійних фондів, договір про надання волонтерських послуг, бланки актів вилучення грошових пожертв, наліпки благодійного фонду тощо. Виявилося, що вони розповсюджували місцевими магазинами скриньки для збору коштів, а із зібраних грошей забирали собі 80 %. Решту 20 %, за словами чоловіків, могли спрямувати на надання допомоги комусь із хворих.

Крім того, в телефоні одесита оперативники загону виявили переписку, у якій він висловлює сподівання на перемогу Росії у війні проти України.

На місце події викликали співробітників взаємодіючих правоохоронних органів.

Про факт виявлення у діях псевдоблагодійників ознак злочинів, передбачених статтею 358 Кримінального кодексу України (Підроблення документів, печаток, штампів та бланків, збут чи використання підроблених документів, печаток, штампів) та 190 ККУ (Шахрайство) прикордонники направили повідомлення до Нацполіції. Правоохоронці вивчають всі деталі правопорушення.

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На московській біржі виникли проблеми з турецькою лірою після зупинки операцій з доларами США

Після зупинення операцій з доларами США, євро та гонконзькими доларами на Московській біржі виникли проблеми з турецькою лірою, повідомили російські брокери

Найбільший небанківський брокер країни-окупанта, оголосив, що тимчасово зупинив для своїх клієнтів операції з лірами на біржовому ринку. Представник компанії пояснив, що це рішення пов’язане з американськими санкціями проти Національного клірингового центру — ключової розрахункової “дочки” біржі, відповідальної за реєстрацію всіх угод. Через санкції збільшився час введення та виведення валюти, а також розрахунків в угодах з лірою.

В російській інвестиційній компанії Фінамі також підтвердили проблеми з лірами, торги якими біржа веде з 2018 року. Керівник управління розвитку клієнтського сервісу компанії Дмитро Лєснов визнав, що Фінамі найближчим часом аналізуватиме ситуацію і не виключає, що також буде змушена припинити торги лірою.

Обсяг операцій з лірами, який минулого року досягав рекордних 50 млрд рублів на місяць, скоротився до незначних 20–30 млн рублів на день. Турецькі банки практично повністю припинили операції з Росією, розповіла Deutsche Welle представниця однієї з логістичних компаній.

За її словами, минулого року російські імпортери використовували ліри для оплати товарів з Туреччини, але ця практика припинилася через посилення американських фінансових санкцій наприкінці минулого року. Тепер турецькі банки побоюються вторинних санкцій за порушення санкційного режиму.

Такі ж ризики несуть і китайські банки, присутність яких дозволяє торгувати на біржі юанями, попереджає аналітик Совкомбанку Михайло Васильєв. ЦБ РФ враховує ризики, що торги юанем також доведеться зупинити, визнала напередодні голова регулятора Ельвіра Набіулліна.

Сполучені Штати 12 червня різко розширили санкції проти росії. Під обмеження Мінфіну США потрапили мосбіржа та національний кліринговий центр, який відповідає, зокрема, за валютні торги.

Мосбіржа одразу оголосила, що з наступного дня припиняє торги доларом і євро. Акції московської біржі 13 червня відкрилися зниженням до 15%.

Після запровадження санкцій єдиною іноземною валютою, доступною для торгів, фактично залишився китайський юань.

Але юаневі торги незабаром можуть бути зупинені, повідомляло Bloomberg джерело, близьке до центробанку рашки. За його словами, китайські банки, які забезпечують такі угоди, найімовірніше, поступово згортатимуть операції з мосбіржею через загрозу вторинних санкцій США.

Правда України

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У Львові працівники ТЦК не перевіряють документи у чоловіків іноземців

Відео про перевірку документів у потенційного військовозобов’язаного поширили у соціальних мережах.

На одній з центральних вулиць Львова люди у військовій формі зупинили перехожого спортивної статури в шортах, темних окулярах, з тату, назвали себе працівниками Личаківсько-Залізничного ОРТЦК та СП і попросили показати документи для звіряння.

“Хвилиночку уваги! Личаківсько-Залізничний ОРТЦК та СП проводить звірку документів з мобілізації”, – звернувся до перехожого чоловік у військовій формі.

На пропозицію військового чоловік і шортах лаконічно відповідає: “English”.

Представник ОРТЦК та СП уже англійською перепитує: “English? Great Britain?”

“Yes, Great Britannia”, – не зовсім англійською реагує перехожий.

Військовий довірливо орієнтується у нештатній ситуації, ввічливо англійською дякує перехожому, по-дружньому плескає по плечу, бажає йому доброго дня і йде далі в пошуках потенційних військовозобов’язаних.

Як повідомили у Личаківсько-Залізничному ОРТЦК та СП, кінематографісти зняли фільм про роботу ТЦК та СП у Львові. На відео – фрагмент з фільму, де сержант Віталій Смілка перевіряє документи на одній з центральних вулиць Львова.

«Вчитель за освітою та військовий за покликанням», – так можна коротко описати сержанта Віталія Смілку. У його біографії десятки років служби у різних підрозділах не лише на захисті України, але й участь у миротворчих місіях.

Зранку 24 лютого 2022 року він полишив цивільну роботу та знову повернувся у військо, де вже за кілька днів опинився під Попасною. Тепер він працює у Львівському ТЦК – допомагає іншим українцям знайти вакансію у Силах оборони”,- пояснили у ТЦК.

Хто насправді трапився сержанту Віталію Смілці на цьому відео, залишається загадкою. Чи це громадянин Великої Британії, чи громадянин України, який вирішив вдати з себе іноземця, чи громадянин іншої держави (в тому числі хоч би й Росії), глядачі вже не довідаються з цього фільму. Хіба що автори фільму використали “актора” для такої уявної ситуації. У цьому випадку їм би треба було докладніше прочитати постанову Кабміну про перевірку документів у людей на вулиці. На цих кадрах її не відбулося.

Правда України

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Ukrainian drone triggers warehouse explosions in Russia as war of attrition grinds on 

Kyiv — A village in western Russia’s border region was evacuated Sunday following a series of explosions after debris from a downed Ukrainian drone set fire to a nearby warehouse, local officials said.

Social media footage appeared to show rising clouds of black smoke in the Voronezh region while loud explosions could be heard in succession.

Gov. Aleksandr Gusev said that falling wreckage triggered the “detonation of explosive objects.” No casualties were reported, but residents of a nearby village in the Podgorensky district were evacuated, he said. Roads were also closed with emergency services, military and government officials working at the scene.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense did not address the strike in their morning briefing, but said that air defense systems had destroyed a Ukrainian drone over the Belgorod region.

Authorities in Russia’s Krasnodar province on Saturday said a fire at an oil depot had also been caused by falling drone debris. Russia’s emergency services said the blaze was extinguished Sunday morning. 

The strikes come after a Ukrainian military spokesperson told The Associated Press Thursday that Kyiv’s troops had retreated from a neighborhood on the outskirts of Chasiv Yar, a strategically important town in Ukraine’s Donetsk region that has been reduced to rubble under a monthlong Russian assault.

Russian forces have for months tried to grind out gains in Ukraine’s industrial east, in an apparent attempt to lock its defenders into a war of attrition. In a joint investigation published Friday, independent Russian news outlets Meduza and Mediazona reported that Moscow’s forces were losing between 200 and 250 soldiers in Ukraine each day.

Military analysts say Chasiv Yar’s fall could also compromise critical Ukrainian supply routes and put nearby cities in jeopardy, bringing Russia closer to its stated aim of seizing the entire Donetsk region. 

Russia sent overnight into Sunday two ballistic missiles and 13 Shahed drones, Ukrainian air force officials said. All were shot down but the officials did not elaborate on the impact of the missiles.

Elsewhere in Ukraine, 14 people died after a bus collided with a cargo vehicle, leaving a single survivor, Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said Saturday evening. The victims included a 6-year-old child.

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Pope deplores state of democracy, warns against ‘populists’

Vatican City — Pope Francis decried the state of democracy and warned against “populists” during a short visit to Trieste in Italy’s northeast on Sunday ahead of a 12-day trip to Asia — the longest of his papacy.

“Democracy is not in good health in the world today,” Francis said during a speech at the city’s convention center to close a national Catholic event.

Without naming any countries, the pope warned against “ideological temptations and populists” on the day that France holds the second round of a snap parliamentary vote that looks set to see the far-right National Rally party take the largest share of the vote.

“Ideologies are seductive. Some people compare them to the Pied Piper of Hamelin: they seduce but lead you to deny yourself,” he said in reference to the German fairytale.

Ahead of last month’s European parliament elections, bishops in several countries also warned about the rise of populism and nationalism, with far-right parties already holding the reins to power in Italy, Hungary and the Netherlands.

Francis also urged people to “move away from polarizations that impoverish” and hit out at “self-referential power.”

After Venice in April and Verona in May, the half-day trip to Trieste, a city of 200,000 inhabitants on the Adriatic Sea that borders Slovenia, marked the third one within Italy this year for the 87-year-old pontiff, who has suffered increasing health problems in recent years.

Since travelling to the French city of Marseille in September 2023, the Argentine Jesuit has limited himself to domestic travel.

But he plans to spend nearly two weeks in Asia in September visiting Indonesia, Singapore and the islands of Papua New Guinea and East Timor.

He arrived in Trieste shortly before 9 a.m. and was due to meet with various groups from the religious and academic spheres, along with migrants and the disabled.

The papal visit is due to conclude with a Mass in the city’s main public square before he departs for the Vatican in the early afternoon. 

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Kenya’s dramatic flooding sweeps away a central part of the economy: its farms

MACHAKOS, Kenya — With dismay, Martha Waema and her husband surveyed their farm that was submerged by weeks of relentless rainfall across Kenya. Water levels would rise to shoulder height after only a night of heavy downpour.

The couple had expected a return of $1,500 from their three acres after investing $613 in corn, peas, cabbages, tomatoes and kale. But their hopes have been uprooted and destroyed.

“I have been farming for 38 years, but I have never encountered losses of this magnitude,” said the 62-year-old mother of 10.

Their financial security and optimism have been shaken by what Kenya’s government has called “a clear manifestation of the erratic weather patterns caused by climate change.”

The rains that started in mid-March have posed immediate dangers and left others to come. They have killed nearly 300 people, left dams at historically high levels and led the government to order residents to evacuate flood-prone areas — and bulldoze the homes of those who don’t.

Now a food security crisis lies ahead, along with even higher prices in a country whose president had sought to make agriculture an even greater engine of the economy.

Kenya’s government says the flooding has destroyed crops on more than 67,987 hectares of land, or less than 1% of Kenya’s agricultural land.

As farmers count their losses — a total yet unknown — the deluge has exposed what opposition politicians call Kenya’s ill preparedness for climate change and related disasters and the need for sustainable land management and better weather forecasting.

Waema now digs trenches in an effort to protect what’s left of the farm on a plain in the farthest outskirts of the capital, Nairobi, in Machakos County.

Not everyone is grieving, including farmers who prepared for climate shocks.

About 200 kilometers west of Waema’s farm, 65-year-old farmer James Tobiko Tipis and his 6½-hectare farm have escaped the flooding in Olokirikirai. He said he had been proactive in the area that’s prone to landslides by terracing crops.

“We used to lose topsoil and whatever we were planting,” he said.

Experts said more Kenyan farmers must protect their farms against soil erosion that likely will be worsened by further climate shocks.

Jane Kirui, an agricultural officer in Narok County, emphasized the importance of terracing and other measures such as cover crops that will allow water to be absorbed.

In Kenya’s rural areas, experts say efforts to conserve water resources remain inadequate despite the current plentiful rainfall.

At Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, professor John Gathenya recommended practices such as diversifying crops and emphasizing the soil’s natural water retention capacity.

“The soil remains the biggest reservoir for water,” he said, asserting that using it wisely requires much less of an investment than large infrastructure projects such as dams. But soil needs to be protected with practices that include limiting the deforestation that has exposed parts of Kenyan land to severe runoff.

“We are opening land in new fragile environments where we need to be even more careful the way we farm,” Gathenya said. “In our pursuit for more and more food, we are pressing into the more fragile areas but not with the same intensity of soil conservation that we had 50 years back.”

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Bardella, 28, could become youngest French prime minister

NICE, France — At just 28 years old, Jordan Bardella has helped make the far-right National Rally the strongest political force in France. And now he could become the country’s youngest prime minister.

After voters propelled Marine Le Pen’s National Rally to a strong lead in the first round of snap legislative elections on June 30, Bardella turned to rallying supporters to hand their party an absolute majority in the decisive round on Sunday. That would allow the anti-immigration, nationalist party to run the government, with Bardella at the helm.

Who is the National Rally president?

When Bardella replaced his mentor, Marine Le Pen, in 2022 at the helm of France’s leading far-right party, he became the first person without the Le Pen name to lead it since its founding a half-century ago.

His selection marked a symbolic changing of the guard. It was part of Le Pen’s decadelong effort to rebrand her party, with its history of racism, and remove the stigma of antisemitism that clung to it in order to broaden its base. She has notably distanced herself from her now-ostracized father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who co-founded the party, then called the National Front, and who has been repeatedly convicted of hate speech.

Bardella is part of a generation of young people who joined the party under Marine Le Pen in the 2010s but likely wouldn’t have done so under her father.

Since joining at age 17, he has risen quickly through the ranks, serving as party spokesperson and president of its youth wing, before being appointed vice president and becoming the second-youngest member of the European Parliament in history, in 2019.

“Jordan Bardella is the creation of Marine Le Pen,” said Cécile Alduy, a Stanford University professor of French politics and literature, and an expert on the far right. “He has been made by her and is extremely loyal.”

On the campaign trail, Le Pen and Bardella have presented themselves as American-style running mates, with Le Pen vying for the presidency while pushing him to be prime minister, Alduy said. “They are completely in line politically.”

How did he become the movement’s poster child?

It wasn’t only having a different last name that made Bardella an attractive prospect for a party seeking to widen its appeal beyond its traditionally older, rural voter base.

Bardella was born in the north Parisian suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis in 1995 to parents of Italian origin, with Algerian roots on his father’s side — and far from seeking to deny these roots, he has used them to soften the tone (if not the content) of his party’s anti-immigration stance and its hostility to France’s Muslim community.

Although Bardella attended a semi-private Catholic school and his father was fairly well-off, party-sanctioned accounts have stressed his upbringing in a rundown housing project beset by poverty and drugs. Never having finished university, Bardella’s relatively modest background set him apart from the establishment.

What’s more, he could tell people directly — and crucially young voters — about it. With over 1.7 million followers on TikTok and 750,000 on Instagram, Bardella has found an audience for his slick social media content, which ranges from more traditional campaign material to videos mocking Macron and seemingly candid glimpses into the life of the National Rally’s would-be prime minister.

With a neat, clean-shaven look and social media savvy, he has posed for selfies with screaming fans. While his rhetoric is strong on hot-button issues like immigration — “France is disappearing” is his tagline — he has been relatively blurry on specifics.

What is he proposing for France?

It was Bardella who in a post on X called on Macron to dissolve the parliament and call early elections after the president’s centrist group suffered a crushing defeat by the National Rally at European elections in June.

When Macron did just that, Bardella, often wearing a suit and tie, hit the campaign trail, toning down his popstar image to seem more statesman-like despite his lack of experience in government.

In recent months, the National Rally has softened some of its most controversial positions, including pedaling back some of its proposals for more public spending and protectionist economic policies, and taking France out of NATO’s strategic military command.

Laying out the party’s new program, Bardella said that as prime minister he would promote law and order, tighter regulation of migration and restricting certain social benefits, such as housing, to French citizens only. He said that dual citizens would be barred from some specific key jobs, such as state employees in the defense and security field. He promised to cut taxes on fuel, gas and electricity, and pledged a rollback of Macron’s pension changes. His law-and-order minded government would also extend to the nation’s public schools, extending the ban on cellphones to high schools.

Rivals say his policies could do lasting damage to the French economy and violate human rights.

On the international front, Bardella has aimed to counter allegations that Le Pen’s party has long been friendly toward Russia and President Vladimir Putin. He said he regards Russia as “a multidimensional threat both for France and Europe,” and said he would be “extremely vigilant” of any Russian attempts to interfere with French interests. Although he supports continued deliveries of French weaponry to Ukraine, he would not send French troops to help the country defend itself. He would also not allow sending long-rage missiles capable of striking targets within Russia.

For voters with low incomes or who feel left out of economic successes in Paris or the globalized economy, Bardella offers an appealing choice, Alduy said.

“The feeling of vulnerability people have to factors that are beyond their control, calls for a radical change in the minds of many voters,” she said. “He has a clean slate and comes with no baggage of the past.”

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Oldest inhabited termite mounds have been active for 34,000 years

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — Scientists in South Africa have been stunned to discover that termite mounds that are still inhabited in an arid region of the country are more than 30,000 years old, meaning they are the oldest known active termite hills.

Some of the mounds near the Buffels River in Namaqualand were estimated by radiocarbon dating to be 34,000 years old, according to the researchers from Stellenbosch University.

“We knew they were old, but not that old,” said Michele Francis, senior lecturer in the university’s department of soil science who led the study. Her paper was published in May.

Francis said the mounds existed while saber-toothed cats and woolly mammoths roamed other parts of the Earth and large swathes of Europe and Asia were covered in ice. They predate some of the earliest cave paintings in Europe.

Some fossilized termite mounds have been discovered dating back millions of years. The oldest inhabited mounds before this study were found in Brazil and are around 4,000 years old. They are visible from space.

Francis said the Namaqualand mounds are a termite version of an “apartment complex” and the evidence shows they have been consistently inhabited by termite colonies.

Termite mounds are a famous feature of the Namaqualand landscape, but no one suspected their age until samples of them were taken to experts in Hungary for radiocarbon dating.

“People don’t know that these are special, ancient landscapes that are preserved there,” Francis said.

Some of the biggest mounds — known locally as “heuweltjies,” which means little hills in the Afrikaans language — measure around 30 meters across. The termite nests are as deep as 3 meters underground.

Researchers needed to carefully excavate parts of the mounds to take samples, and the termites went into “emergency mode” and started filling in the holes, Francis said.

The team fully reconstructed the mounds to keep the termites safe from predators like aardvarks.

Francis said the project was more than just a fascinating look at ancient structures. It also offered a peek into a prehistoric climate that showed Namaqualand was a much wetter place when the mounds were formed.

The southern harvester termites are experts at capturing and storing carbon by collecting twigs and other dead wood and putting it back deep into the soil. That has benefits in offsetting climate change by reducing the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere.

It’s also good for the soil. Masses of wildflowers bloom on top of the termite mounds in a region that receives little rain.

Francis called for more research on termite mounds given the lessons they offer on climate change, sustaining ecosystems and maybe even for improving agricultural practices.

“We will do well to study what the termites have done in the mounds. They were thought to be very boring,” she said.

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Turkey supporters make controversial hand gesture en route Euro 2024 stadium

berlin — Turkish supporters making their way to the European Championship quarterfinal against the Netherlands made the same nationalistic hand gesture that got a Turkey player banned from the match.

More did the gesture again in the stadium during Turkey’s national anthem before Saturday’s game.

Berlin police said on X on that the gesture was “massively shown” by the fans on their way to the Olympiastadion and they had therefore stopped their march and asked them to stop making it. Fans were asked to make their own way as individuals to the game – as long as they had a ticket for it.

“When a lot of people are doing this gesture, it becomes a political demonstration and a football march is not political demonstration,” police spokesperson Valeska Jakubowski told The Associated Press.

The fans were making a gesture that is used by Turkish nationalists and associated with the Turkish ultra-nationalist organization Ulku Ocaklari, which is more widely known as the Gray Wolves.

Jakubowski acknowledged that showing the gesture is not banned in Germany. She said some arrests were made, “very few,” but they were likely for other reasons.

Turkey defender Merih Demiral was banned for two games by UEFA on Friday for making the gesture after scoring in Turkey’s round-of-16 win over Austria in Leipzig on Tuesday, an incident that led to a diplomatic row between Turkey and Euro 2024 host nation Germany.

The ban rules Demiral out of Saturday’s quarterfinal, and the semifinal should Turkey progress.

The Turkish Football Federation joined Turkish government officials in denouncing the suspension.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan changed plans to visit Azerbaijan to attend Saturday’s match. He had defended Demiral, saying on Friday the defender merely expressed his “excitement” after scoring.

Demiral and Turkish authorities have defended the sign as an expression of Turkish pride. Critics say it glorifies a right-wing group known for racism and violence against minorities.

The Gray Wolves group was founded as the youth wing of Turkey’s far-right Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, which is currently in an alliance with Erdogan’s ruling party, the Justice and Development Party.

In the decades following its founding in the 1960s, the group was accused of involvement in politically motivated violence, mostly against leftist groups.

German authorities believe the group has around 12,100 in the country. It is monitored by Germany’s federal domestic agency.

The group has been banned in France, while Austria has banned the use of the Gray Wolf salute. 

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Sudanese political factions meet in Cairo with little prospect of peace

cairo — Rival Sudanese political factions formally attended reconciliation talks in Cairo on Saturday — the first since a conflict in the country began almost 15 months ago — but admitted there was little prospect of quickly ending the war. 

During the conference, the Democratic Bloc, which is aligned with the army, refused to hold joint sessions with the Taqaddum faction, which it accuses of sympathizing with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Neither the army nor the RSF attended. 

The war in Sudan erupted in April 2023 and has forced almost 10 million people from their homes, sparked warnings of famine and waves of ethnically driven violence blamed largely on the RSF. 

The force this week swept through the state of Sennar, causing new displacement. In response, army head General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said the army would not negotiate with the RSF or its supporters. 

“The stark deterioration in the humanitarian situation and the catastrophic consequences of this crisis call on all of us to work to immediately and sustainably to stop military operations,” said newly-appointed Egyptian foreign minister Badr Abdelatty. 

Talks in Jeddah between the army and RSF that were sponsored by the United States and Saudi Arabia broke down at the end of last year. 

Taqaddum is a coalition of pro-democracy parties, armed groups, and civil society that has called for an end to the war. The army-aligned Democratic Bloc includes several armed group leaders participating in the fighting. 

While Egypt was able to wield its influence to assemble the group, the main attendees were seated at opposite sides of the hall at the conference’s opening. The two political factions agreed only to form a small subcommittee to come up with a final communique expected late Saturday. 

“We told them not to have high ambitions from this meeting,” said finance minister and Democratic Bloc leader Jibril Ibrahim to Reuters. 

“Given the situation on the ground, if we sit and eat and drink and laugh — with the people who are allied and partners in the crimes that are happening — we would be sending the wrong message to our citizens and to our soldiers on the field,” he said. 

He added that an end to the war was not realistic without the withdrawal of the RSF from civilian areas, in line with an agreement signed in Jeddah last year, and the end of material support to the RSF by the United Arab Emirates. U.N. experts have said that accusations of such support are credible though the UAE has denied them. 

Former Prime Minister and Taqaddum head Abdalla Hamdok rejected accusations that the coalition was linked to the RSF, saying he awaited the army’s agreement to meet. 

“A crisis this complicated and deep is not expected to end in one meeting… The lesson is for us to be patient and to build on anything positive that comes out of it,” he told Reuters, echoing sentiments from diplomats at the meeting. 

U.S. Special Envoy Tom Perriello said he hoped momentum from Saturday’s talks would carry on to another meeting called by the African Union next week, another of several initiatives. 

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