Ukraine Approves Legislation in Bid for IMF Aid

Ukraine’s parliament has voted to lift the ban on the sale of farmland in a move that would allow the country to get $8 billion worth of aid from the International Monetary Fund.  The bill, long pushed by economists to stimulate investment in agriculture, was approved by 259 votes out of 450 late Monday. It opens up the land market for Ukrainian citizens starting from July 1, 2021, and for Ukrainian companies starting from 2024.  Ukrainians will vote on a nationwide referendum on whether to allow foreigners to buy farmland.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, wearing a protective mask used as a preventive measure against coronavirus disease (COVID-19), gives thumbs-up during a session of parliament in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 31, 2020.Speaking in parliament Monday night, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy stressed the importance of getting the IMF loan.  “It is really important for us, to sign the memorandum with the IMF, and you know well that the two main conditions were the land law and the banking law,” Zelenskiy said.Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal echoed his sentiment in televised remarks Monday.  “Without the support of international organizations we will have to fall into the abyss of a financial meltdown,” Shmyhal said.  Earlier Monday, lawmakers approved the banking law in the first reading. It prevents former owners of banks that were nationalized or liquidated from regaining ownership rights or receiving compensation from state funds.  Some said that the bill, among others, targets billionaire tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky, whose Privatbank was nationalized in 2016 and who sought to get it back using his connections to Zelenskiy. In recent months, Zelenskiy has been trying to distance himself from Kolomoisky, who wasn’t hiding his ambitions to influence both domestic and foreign policies, observers say.According to Zelenskiy, once Ukraine fulfills the conditions outlined by the IMF, it will receive the first batch of funds — $1.75-$2 billion — in 15 days.  “We agreed with the management of the IMF,” Zelenskiy said.

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Mexico Declares Month-long Health Emergency

Mexico has declared a month-long health emergency, with new restrictions on the size of gatherings, to contain the surging coronavirus that already exceeds 1,000 cases, with 28 deaths.  Reuters news agency said Mexico will now only allow gatherings of no more than 50 people, and it is extending its ban on non-essential activities. Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said Monday violators of the new rules will face penalties. Mexico’s latest move to contain the virus stops short of measures in place in some other Latin American countries in the grips of the virus, including lockdowns.  

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Cubans Returning Home In Quarantine Over Coronavirus Concerns

Nearly 200 Cubans returning home from trips out of the country just began a two-week quarantine in government centers until medical authorities are sure clear they have no signs of coronavirus.  The government is keeping a close watch on Cuban nationals and monitoring travelers from overseas at dozens of quarantine centers set up across the island.  The manager of one quarantine center, Daniel Diaz, says the centers are staffed with doctors and nurses around the clock, who check patients three times day.  Diaz says, so far, nobody has shown any symptoms of the coronavirus, but those who do will be taken to a hospital. Health officials in Cuba say there are 170 coronavirus cases, and three people have died. Cuban officials say the nation is on lockdown until the end of April, meaning only Cuban citizens or foreign residents returning home are allowed entry into the country.  

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South Africa Provides Special Transportation for Social Grant Recipients

South Africa is allowing bus and taxi service to resume this week to ease the burden on social grant beneficiaries collecting their funds, in the midst of the 21-day coronavirus lockdown. Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula said Sunday the relaxed rules for buses and taxis begins Monday and will last through Friday from 5am until 8pm. Social grants are being paid this week to the elderly, people who are disabled and children.  To help police enforce the guidelines for public transportation use, authorities say recipients must carry their identity documents and South African Social Security Agency cards when traveling on public transport. 

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Спасти рядового сечина: кремль играет в дурака и воет от американских санкций

Спасти рядового сечина: кремль играет в дурака и воет от американских санкций.

С момента тотального обвала нефти, россия отчаянно ищет варианты для решения огромного количества возникших проблем

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Парламентська ганьба президента Зеленського

Парламентська ганьба президента Зеленського

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В кремле возня: обиженный карлик пукин испуган и пытается вернуть ситуацию

В кремле возня: обиженный карлик пукин испуган и пытается вернуть ситуацию

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Closing of Colombian Border Crossings Impose Further Hardships on Venezuelans

Security measures have increased on the Colombia-Venezuela border after both governments decided to close the International Simon Bolivar bridge in Cucuta in mid-March to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. An estimated 40 thousand Venezuelans had been crossing each day to buy food, medicine or supplies. Now most Venezuelans have to take other, often dangerous routes to cross the border into Colombia. Cristina Caicedo Smit narrates this report filed by Hugo Echeverry from Cucuta, Colombia.

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Россиянам приготовиться: как в мокшандии вводят план «катастрофа против санкций»…

Россиянам приготовиться: как в мокшандии вводят план «катастрофа против санкций»…

Катастрофа в россии только начинается. Ее инициируют ради снятия санкций…

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Разнос ермака, адепты мосийчука, дыра в бюджете и поезд из москвы

Разнос ермака, адепты мосийчука, дыра в бюджете и поезд из москвы

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Скандальні свідчення про замах на Стерненка. Друг найманця назвав замовника, організатора та мотив

Скандальні свідчення про замах на Стерненка. Друг найманця назвав замовника, організатора та мотив.

Мій адвокат Віталій Коломієць отримав ексклюзивні свідчнення від свідка по справі третього нападу на мене, коли загинув один з нападників. Свідок розповів про ролі організаторів та скільки мали заплатити тітушкам.

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Nigeria Shuts Down Lagos and Abuja to Control Coronavirus Spread

Nigeria’s two main cities — Abuja and Lagos — are preparing to go on lockdown to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  The arrival of coronavirus testing kits donated by a Chinese billionaire is expected to give officials a more accurate reading of coronavirus infections in Africa’s most populous nation. But there are also concerns on how the public could react to a jump in infection numbers and a lockdown.The lockdown announcement was made during President Muhammadu Buhari’s national broadcast.Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari addresses the nation on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Abuja, March 29, 2020. (Nigeria Presidency/Handout)Normal activities in Lagos, Abuja and Ogun near Lagos are expected to shut down for 14 days starting late Monday night.”Some of these measures will surely cause major inconveniences to many citizens. But these are sacrifices we should all be willing and ready to make for the greater good of our country,” said Buhari.Hours after the announcement, thousands of citizens stormed shopping malls in Abuja in what appears to be panic-buying.Abuja residents like Daniel Yerimah said the shutdown is a necessary move to control the coronavirus from spreading.”Personally I think it’s long overdue and I’m not really satisfied with the way the government has been handling the whole situation. But with the president coming out to announce a lockdown, I think it’s a beautiful decision and I hope that this will help us control the situation on ground,” he said.A traffic gridlock is seen as people attempt to rush out of Abuja, Nigeria, following efforts of the authorities trying to contain the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), March 30, 2020.However, he has some concerns.”I don’t believe many citizens can remain indoors for two weeks. It’s not possible because majority of the citizens live below the poverty line. Even one week, it’s not possible for them to remain indoors one week without any income,” said Yerimah.Since new testing kits donated by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma arrived in Nigeria last week, more testing has been carried out and more cases discovered.A general view of a food market in Lagos after Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari called for a lockdown starting tonight to limit the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), March 30, 2020.Chinwe Ochu is the head of prevention programs at NCDC. He said the kits are essential to containing the virus.”Our objective is to stop the transmission, and to do this, we want to have early detection of cases, early reporting, early cases investigations, isolation and treatment, early contact tracing and early social distancing,” said Ochu.With more than a hundred confirmed cases of the virus in Nigeria so far, authorities are working hard and say they’re ready to impose even more drastic measures if need be, in order to control the spread.

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Russia Embraces Quarantine Tactics Amid Coronavirus Surge

Russia tightened controls aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus on Monday, with Moscow introducing temporary quarantine measures, and the Kremlin moving to extend the lockdown nationwide. The new restrictions came as President Vladimir Putin discussed the coronavirus, among other issues, with President Donald Trump in a phone call that the Kremlin insisted was at Washington’s request.The conversation came as Putin made clear he recognized the growing threat of the COVID-19 outbreak. He appeared for his second televised national address on the issue Monday afternoon with a new sense of urgency.“If you value your life, you should remain home,” he said, addressing elderly Russians, in particular. “God helps those who help themselves,” added the Russian leader. A doctor observes through a glass window the condition of the patient in a ward in the Moscow Sklifosovsky emergency hospital in Moscow, Russia, March 25, 2020.The new tone came as a  government task force said suspected cases of COVID-19 had swelled past the 1,800 mark with nine deaths — numbers that continued to place Russia far lower than other global coronavirus hotspots but that Kremlin allies and critics alike now acknowledge reflect some degree of underreporting.Moscow through the looking glass  Under new rules that went into effect midnight Sunday, the vast majority of Moscow’s 15 million inhabitants now face a blanket “home isolation quarantine” — with exceptions for trips to local supermarkets and pharmacies, as well as walking pets or taking out trash. A police officer wearing a protective mask and glasses stops a car driver to check his documents in Grozny, Russia, March 30, 2020.City authorities also announced that a system of smart QR codes would be developed to track people moving about the capital, as well as plans to retrofit additional public hospitals and private clinics to accept COVID-19 patients.“The situation with the spread of coronavirus has entered a new phase,” Mayor Sergey Sobyanin wrote in a blog post explaining the new rules with Moscow now an epicenter of the virus threat.  “The extremely negative turn of events that we see in the largest cities of Europe and the USA is cause for enormous concern for the lives and health of our citizens,” Sobyanin said.Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin later issued an appeal to Russia’s far-flung regional governors to follow Moscow’s lead — calling the quarantine a “logical extension of the president and the government’s policies to battle the coronavirus.” Putin’s ‘workless week’Moscow’s restrictions seemed to upstage the “workless week” introduced by Putin in an address to the nation last week.While the Russian leader requested people to stay home, his appeal fell far short of the quarantines and self-isolation measures now commonplace in cities across Europe, the United States and Asia.Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with Russian regional officials via videoconference at the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, March 30, 2020.Some Russians seemed to interpret the “workless week” as an unexpected paid vacation — a factor that Sobyanin said played a role in the decision to close Moscow down. “Movement across the city has been cut by two-thirds, and that’s very good,” Sobaynin wrote in the blog. “But it’s also obvious that far from everyone has heard us.” Amid a spell of spring-like weather over the weekend, parks were so crowded that authorities resorted to blasting public service announcements from passing ambulances. The message: Go home. Media reports also noted a run on meat and charcoal at local supermarkets, suggesting the outdoor barbecue season was, or soon would be, in full swing.  Meanwhile, there was a spike in booked flights from Moscow to the southern resort city of Sochi — so much so that the region’s local governor, Benjamin Kondratiev, warned on social media that “this is not a week of extra leave or a holiday,” and ordered city attractions closed.  Good cop, bad copRussia’s political chatter centered on the seeming gulf between Sobyanin and Putin over how to respond to the contagion.  Had the mayor undermined the president? And who was in charge?“The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing,” Genady Gudkov, a former member of Parliament with ties to the opposition, wrote in a post on Facebook. “Either Putin is losing control, or differences among the elite are dangerously strong.”Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin attends a cabinet meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Moscow, Russia, March 30, 2020.Others argued that Putin was merely distancing himself from more unpopular restrictions — at least until they were trial-ballooned by the hapless Moscow mayor — in effect, playing good cop to Sobyanin’s bad. Putin threw Sobyanin “before the firing squad, and himself remained in the shadows, giving speculation that Sobyanin is acting on his own,” wrote Tatiana Stanovaya, a political analyst with R.Politik, in a post to her Telegram channel. Stanovaya chalked the showdown to the shifting improvisational nature of Putin’s rule, one in which “circumstances rule.” “And who rules the circumstances, rules Russia,” added Stanovaya.

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Spain Postpones 5G Spectrum Auction Due To Coronavirus

Spain will delay a planned auction of 5G spectrum due to the coronavirus outbreak, the government said on Monday.
As part of a Europe-wide drive to speed up the roll out of fast Internet and broaden coverage, Spain had been due to free up space in the 700 MHz band of its network by switching from analog to digital terrestrial television by June 30.
One of the world’s worst national outbreaks of the virus, which had infected 85,915 people and killed 7,340 as of Monday, constitutes force majeure, making it impossible to stick to that deadline, the government said in a statement.
Madrid has told Brussels it will set a new deadline for the 700 MHz band depending on the eventual end-date for emergency measures including restrictions on people’s movements, it added.
Austria postponed a planned 5G auction last week, and the CEO of French group Iliad said one coming up in France would likely meet the same fate. 

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Climate Change Drives Gender-Based Violence in Somaliland-Oxfam

Climate change is driving gender-based violence among rural communities in the breakaway region of Somaliland, according to the charity Oxfam. In times of increasing drought, women travel further to find water and other needs, raising the risk of sexual violence.  Similarly, men unable to support their families too often take out their frustration on their family.  Neha Wadekar visited the region of Sool, Somaliland, with Oxfam and has this report. 

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Zimbabwe Begins Lockdown to Fight COVID19

Zimbabwe on Monday began a 21-day lockdown to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Health care advocates and the business community are generally supportive, but have aired concerns they say the government needs to address.“We are worried that even as our numbers remain low there is possibility of wider community spread and transmissions. Further, in about two months’ time winter will be upon us, creating conditions ideal for more infections. There is need to take decisive measures now against the pandemic.” said President Emmerson Mnangagwa speaking on state television Monday, justifying the lockdown aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19.So far, there are only nine confirmed cases of the virus in Zimbabwe, and only one death.Most of the commodities in Zimbabwe are now sold in the informal sector in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, March 1, 2020, as the country’s unemployment rate continues to rise. (Columbus Mavhunga/VOA)But to keep the numbers down, the government is requiring people to stay in their homes for the next three weeks, except when buying food and other essentials. Schools are shut down, as are most businesses.Speaking via WhatsApp, Fortune Nyamande, the chairman of the Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights, welcomed the lockdown.  However, he said the lockdown needs to supplemented by increased efforts to detect COVID-19 cases.“…The lockdown on its own is not a panacea to solving the COVID19 pandemic.  The lockdown needs to be supplemented by additional measures such as increased case detection, increased community surveillance and as you are aware only less than 200 have been tested for coronavirus in Zimbabwe. These are very low and pathetic figures. So for us to contain this outbreak, during the lockdown let’s test more people,” said Nyamande.The country’s business owners will be in a tough spot during the next three weeks, with most deprived of income.Sam Wadzai says his organization is for the country’s 21-day lockdown. (Columbus Mavhunga/VOA)Sam Wadzai is from the Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation Zimbabwe. Via Whatsapp, he explains the vendors’ dilemma.“This lockdown is only in the best interest of this country. After all we have to be united to fight this deadly virus.  But at the same time we also encourage the government to ensure that they put in place support mechanisms to continue so that people are able to survive during this lockdown period. We expect this to be done as quickly as possible so that people don’t die of hunger,” he said.President Mnangagwa was expected to meet with business owners Monday to discuss their concerns over loss of revenue during the 21-day lockdown. So far, the government has made no guarantees of financial support. 

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