Guinea Soldiers Claim They’ve Staged a Successful Coup 

Soldiers in Guinea said on national television Sunday that they have arrested President Alpha Conde, dissolved the country’s constitution, and sealed off land and air borders. A statement from the country’s formal Defense Ministry, however, said that an attack on the presidential palace in the capital, Conakry, had been repulsed. Conde’s whereabouts Sunday was not immediately clear. In October, the president won a third term in office after amending the constitution to allow him to run again. The controversial election sparked violent protests throughout the country.Guinea President Appears to Have Won Controversial 3rd Term in Office Final results in  Guinea’s presidential election expected Saturday Agence France Press reported Sunday that it had received a video of Alpha Conde, appearing in a crumpled shirt and jeans, sitting on a couch surrounded by soldiers.  Mamady Doumbouya, a former French legionnaire, appeared on national television Sunday, draped in the country’s flag. “We have dissolved government and institutions,” Doumbouya said. “We call our brothers in arms to join the people.” Doumbouya cited mismanagement of the government as a reason for his actions. Fighting was reported earlier Sunday in Conakry, but following the announcement on television, many took to the streets to celebrate what they believed to be a successful coup. Some information in this report came from AP, Reuters and AFP.         

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