Peru’s Nationwide Electoral Restrictions in Effect, Leading Up to General Elections

Nationwide electoral restrictions are now in effect in Peru, leading up to Sunday’s general elections. The National Elections Board said media outlets face fines up to $118,900 if they violate a ban on disseminating or publishing voting intention surveys, according to the state run Andina News Agency. On Thursday, the last day candidates are allowed to campaign, anyone holding political meetings or demonstrations could face jail time from three months to two years. Popular Action party presidential candidate Yonhy Lescano dances while campaigning at the Caqueta market in Lima, Peru, April 5, 2021.Candidates or their supporters will not be allowed to participate in any type of political messaging, including interviews, starting on Friday. Violators face a fine no greater than $118,900 and a prison sentence of at least two years. Voters are heading to the polls Sunday to choose the country’s next president and congressional representatives, with Peru still struggling to control the spread of COVID-19 virus, which has killed just under 52,877 people, according to Johns Hopkins University Covid Resource Center. Presidential candidate George Forsyth of the National Victory party announced Sunday that he contracted COVID-19 while campaigning. Forsyth said in a video message that after four days he was feeling a bit beaten, the Associated Press reported.  The latest polls show Forsyth is second only to Yonhy Lescano of the Popular Action party in the field of 18 candidates. The winner of Sunday’s elections, will replace President Francisco Sagasti, who took office after his predecessor, Martin Vizcarra, was impeached during an investigation on corruption allegations. 

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