Zuckerberg: Facebook Cannot Guarantee Interference-free EU Eections

Facebook is much better than it was in 2016 at tackling election interference but cannot guarantee the site will not be used to undermine European Parliament elections in May, Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg said on Tuesday.

Chastened since suspected Russian operatives used Facebook and other social media to influence an election that surprisingly brought Donald Trump to power in the United States, Facebook has said it has plowed resources and staff into safeguarding the May 26 EU vote.

Zuckerberg said there had been a lot of important elections since 2016 that have been relatively clean and demonstrated the defenses it has built up to protect their integrity.

“We’ve certainly made a lot of progress … But no, I don’t think anyone can guarantee in a world where you have nation states that are trying to interfere in elections, there’s no single thing we can do and say okay we’ve now solved the issue,” Zuckerberg told Irish national broadcaster RTE in an interview.

“This is an ongoing arms race where we’re constantly building up our defenses and these sophisticated governments are also evolving their tactics.”

U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia ran a disinformation and hacking operation to undermine the American democratic process and help Republican Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Moscow denies interfering in the election.

Under pressure from EU regulators to do more to guard against foreign meddling in the bloc’s upcoming legislative election, Facebook toughened its rules on political advertising in Europe last week.

It also announced plans to ramp up efforts to fight misinformation ahead of the vote and will partner with German news agency DPA to boost its fact checking.

“Here in the EU for the upcoming elections we are bringing the full battery of all of the strategies and tools that worked very well in a lot of important elections so far so I’ve a lot of confidence,” Zuckerberg said during a trip to Dublin, home to Facebook’s international headquarters.

“But I think that we should expect that for some of these countries that are out there that are trying to interfere, they are just going to keep trying, so we need to stay ahead of that and keep on doing this work in order to stay ahead.”

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NBA to Invest Millions of Dollars in New African League

The NBA will invest millions of dollars in Basketball Africa League, its first professional league outside of North America, and will be hands-on in its operation, a top executive said Tuesday.

The NBA, in partnership with the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), is launching the Basketball Africa League in January 2020, featuring 12 teams from across the continent.

“This league will be fully operated by the NBA,” Amadou Gallo Fall, the NBA’s vice president for Africa, told Reuters by phone from Johannesburg. “Our expertise and best practices will be on display.”

The NBA generated $8 billion in revenue last season, according to Forbes, and industry players say audience interest in Africa has grown alongside the profile of Africans playing in the world’s top basketball league.

Cameroon’s Joel Embiid, a 25-year-old center for the Philadelphia 76ers, has emerged as a top player in the NBA, signing a five-year contract with the team worth nearly $150 million in 2017.

This season, Embiid and 24-year-old Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks, born in Greece to Nigerian parents, are contenders to become the NBA’s most valuable player.

The NBA established an Africa office nine years ago. It held its first NBA Africa game in 2015. Games in 2017 and 2018 were played in front of sold-out crowds in South Africa.

Basketball Africa League will involve six national champions — from Nigeria, Angola, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Senegal — who will automatically qualify for the competition. The remaining six will come through international qualifiers later this year.

“It’s an opportunity through our partnership with FIBA to continue to strengthen the basketball ecosystem here,” Fall said.

He did not confirm exactly how much the NBA would be investing in the league but said it was millions of dollars.

African NBA players

As the NBA courts African audiences, African players have been conquering the NBA.

There were 13 African-born players on the rosters of NBA teams at the opening of the 2018/19 season, out of the 108 international players. That rises to about 40 if players with African parents are included, Fall said.

“It tremendously impacts the growth in popularity of the NBA,” he added.

The NBA began in March livestreaming on YouTube two games a week for free for viewers in sub-Saharan Africa, in a bid to build a larger fan base on the continent.

The league opened an elite basketball academy in Senegal in 2017 which, along with its Basketball Without Borders Africa program, has showcased African talent hoping to play for NBA teams or U.S. colleges.

The next step is for an African basketball team to secure an Olympic medal, Fall said.

“That day is coming soon,” he added.

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Poland Plans Stricter Rules for Transport Companies Like Uber

Poland will require Uber to use licensed taxi drivers from next year, under a plan approved by the cabinet Tuesday aimed at creating fair competition.

Polish taxi drivers have staged protests demanding equal rules for themselves and drivers of app-based car firms such as Uber, mytaxi and itaxi, which have become hugely popular in Polish cities, but licensed taxi drivers complain they are driving down taxi fares.

They plan to hold another demonstration in Warsaw next week.

The new law to impose stricter rules on such app-based transport companies, if passed by parliament, will come into effect at the start of next year.

Uber has faced opposition to its low-cost service in other countries around the world, including in Poland’s neighbor Czech Republic which also plans to require Uber drivers to be licensed.

In Poland, there had been speculation that Uber and other app-based taxi firms would come under greater scrutiny.

Daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita reported in January, citing Uber’s regional chief and Polish ministers, that Uber will invest 37 million zloty ($9.7 million) in its R&D center near Krakow this year, creating an additional 250 jobs. The newspaper speculated that Uber was hoping the job creation would be welcomed by the government and discourage it from tightening regulations against the company.

Uber did not respond to an emailed request for comment Tuesday.

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Карлик Коломойського не буде нашим Президентом!

Олігархи в черговий раз хочуть обдурити виборців, підсунувши їм «стару цукерку» в новій обгортці! Так, Ігор Коломойський, вивчивши соцдослідження, зрозумів, що люди хочуть бачити в політиці «нові обличчя». Однак він, відомий всім старий політик і самий цинічний з українських олігархів, ніяк не підходив на роль «нового обличчя». Ось тоді у нього і народилася ідея зробити собі «маску» у вигляді Володимира Зеленського, щоб дати людям те, що вони хочуть.

Природа цього прийому не нова. Олігархи завжди підходили до виборів дуже методично і технологічно, саме тому їм вдавалося завжди зберігати свою владу в Україні і продовжувати грабувати нас з вами багато років.

Перед тим, як підтримати того чи іншого кандидата, вони завжди детально вивчали очікування людей – що люди хочуть зараз, чого вони чекають від кандидатів, за які якості кандидата вони б віддали свій голос і т.д. Потім вони, вже спираючись на дослідження соціологів, створювали партії або образи для кандидатів, які, за їхнім планом, говорили людям якраз те, що вони і хочуть чути.

Не виключенням стало і висунення Володимира Зеленського, якому було вирішено створити образ «ідеального кандидата». Кандидат Зеленський, за задумом його творця Ігоря Коломойського, повинен був стати для виборців не просто його «маскою», а й зовсім «новим обличчям» в політиці – тим, хто швидко закінчить війну, і тим, хто поборе корупцію, ну і, звичайно ж, самою чесною і порядною людиною.

Завдання по формуванню іміджу Кандидата Зеленського почали вирішуватися ще задовго до чуток про його президентські амбіції. Це була серйозно спланована і підготовлена ​​спецоперація. І це не дивно, адже на кону було не якесь там підприємство або завод, а пост Президента, а це мільярди доларів. Підготовку Зеленського почали, в першу чергу використовуючи телеканал Коломойського «1+1», ефір якого просто заполонив майбутній кандидат, піднімаючи рівень своєї впізнаваності серед потенційних виборців. Потім запустили на цьому ж каналі серіал «Слуга народу», при перегляді якого люди вже підсвідомо повинні були звикати з думкою, що Зеленський – це «хороший Президент».

За задумом Коломойського, на старті виборчої кампанії у людей вже мало бути сформовано підсвідоме позитивне ставлення до Зеленському – за рахунок способу Голобородько. Далі залишиться лише заявити про Зеленського як про «нове обличчя» і розраховувати на те, що виборці і розпізнають «маску» Коломойського, як щось нове серед інших кандидатів.

Зараз, дивлячись на останні рейтинги, можна стверджувати, що задум Коломойського вдався. Багато людей повірили, що його «маска» – це «нове обличчя» в політиці, і що Зеленський перенесе після своєї перемоги образ Голобородько в реальне життя.

Проте ті, хто глибше розуміє лаштунки політичного світу і знає більше про діяльність олігархів і їх корупційні схеми, знає, що Зеленський – це всього лише інструмент Коломойського. Ті, хто знають Коломойського особисто, не сумніваються в тому, що Зеленський – на 100% підконтрольний йому, і якщо «Слуга народу» не дай Бог виграє вибори, то він 100% буде робити тільки те, що скаже йому його шеф – Ігор Коломойський.

І Коломойський не був би Коломойським, якби не прорахував всю партію наперед і не перестрахувався. Саме тому в близьких до нього колах, все вже давно знають, що Зеленський підписав з ним такі угоди, які ніколи вже не дозволять йому вийти з-під контролю олігарха.

Зараз Ігор Коломойський знаходиться в Ізраїлі, тому що в Україні його звинувачують у розкраданні понад 5 млрд доларів, через ПриватБанк. Тільки вдумайтеся в цю цифру! Якщо це перерахувати на всіх українців, то вийде, що кожен українець, в тому числі немовля, втратив від дій Коломойського, тільки через Приват Банк понад 4’000.

Якщо уявити собі, що Зеленський таки переміг, Коломойський звичайно відразу повернеться в Україну, поверне собі «ПриватБанк», «Укрнафту» і продовжить робити те, що робив раніше багато років – грабувати нас з вами. А Зеленський так і буде далі його «маскою», в кращому випадку отримуючи свій відсоток від корупційних схем.

Ось таке майбутнє може чекати українців, якщо вони будуть бездумно голосувати і не бачити суть речей. Ще 5 років пограбувань наша країна просто не витримає.

Саме тому, зараз вкрай важливо всім тим, хто вміє думати і аналізувати, всім тим, хто прочитає цю статтю і дізнається правду – донести її до інших людей. Тому що, якщо ті, хто збирається голосувати за «маску» Коломойського не дізнаються правди, ми можемо просто втратити нашу країну, і потім нам вже не на кого буде ображатися.

Адже ті, хто не знає правди і підтримує Зеленського – просто обманюються, вірячи в чудо, що, мовляв, спуститься з екранних підмостків «Зе-Голобородько» і за тиждень закінчить війну, а після всім дасть європейську зарплату, після чого буде працювати виключно на благо країни, порвавши всі зв’язки з Коломойським.

Тому ми повинні пояснити тим, хто не розуміє, що, приймаючи рішення голосувати за Зеленського, кожен повинен віддавати собі звіт, що він таким чином віддасть свій голос не за «Слугу народу», а за «Слугу Коломойського». Кожен, хто проголосує за Зеленського, віддасть свій голос за збереження старої корупційної системи, і за колишніх «панів життя» – олігархів, які фактично і є причиною всіх наших бід і низького рівня життя.

Правда України

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Pope: Women Have ‘Legitimate Claims’ for Justice, Equality

Pope Francis said Tuesday women have “legitimate claims” to seek more justice and equality in the Catholic Church, but stopped short of endorsing more sweeping calls from his own bishops to recognize the “urgency of an inevitable change” to give them leadership roles.


Francis issued a document inspired by an October 2018 meeting of the world’s bishops on better ministering to today’s young Catholics. The meeting was marked by demands for greater women’s rights, and the bishops’ final document called the need for women to have positions of responsibility and decision-making in the church “a duty of justice.”


In his lengthy document, “Christ is alive,” Francis endorses no such conclusion. He says only that a church that listens to young people must be attentive to women’s “legitimate claims” for equality and justice, and must better train men and women who have leadership potential.


“A living church can look back on history and acknowledge a fair share of male authoritarianism, domination, various forms of enslavement, abuse and sexist violence,” Francis writes. “With this outlook, she can support the call to respect women’s rights, and offer convinced support for greater reciprocity between males and females, while not agreeing with everything some feminist groups propose.”


The document, known as an apostolic exhortation, covers a wide range of issues confronting young people today, noting that many feel alienated from the Catholic Church because of its sexual and financial scandals, and are themselves suffering from untold forms of exploitation, conflict and despair.


A hefty chunk of the document focuses on both the promises and perils of the digital world. It calls for an urgent reform of Catholic schools and youth ministry programs, saying they are often focused on self-preservation and protecting the young from outside errors, and are divorced from the reality of the lives lived by the young.


“At times, in the attempt to develop a pure and perfect youth ministry, marked by abstract ideas, protected from the world and free of every flaw, we can turn the Gospel into a dull, meaningless and unattractive proposition,” he writes. “Such a youth ministry ends up completely removed from the world of young people and suited only to an elite Christian youth that sees itself as different, while living in an empty and unproductive isolation.”


The document acknowledges the importance of sexuality to young people as part of their development. But it uses the term “homosexuality” only once in the entire 299-paragraph document, and doesn’t repeat the language of the October 2018 synod final document calling for deeper anthropological, theological and pastoral study on sexuality and sexual inclinations.



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Thai Junta Chief Demands Action to Cut Smog

Thailand’s junta chief gave the smog-hit northern city of Chiang Mai seven days to crack down on spiraling pollution Tuesday, which has seen the tourist hotspot choke on Asia’s most toxic air this week.

The city has far eclipsed other notorious pollution hotspots since Sunday, with the level of dangerous microscopic particles known as PM2.5 peaking at 480 according to the Air Quality Index. Any level over 300 is classed as “hazardous”.

By contrast, the smog-hit Indian capital New Delhi peaked at 228, while Beijing reached only 161.

The pollution crisis in Chiang Mai has seen residents, street vendors and even monks donning surgical face masks and at least two universities have cancelled classes.

Crop burning during the dry season has long been blamed for poor air quality, but the smog has been exacerbated by growing industrialization and rising numbers of vehicles on the roads.

Prayut Chan-O-Cha, on a visit to Chiang Mai, demanded a clampdown on crop burning.

“I want to reiterate that the problem of hotspots (crop burning areas) must be solved in seven days,” said the junta leader, who is angling to become the elected civilian prime minister.

“Nobody should ignite fires in the forest,” he said.

Crop burning is normally restricted for two months in the dry season to try to curb pollution, but it remains widespread.

However, Olivier Evrard, a Thailand-based specialist for the Institute of Research for Development, said crop burning was not the only culprit.

“The government has encouraged the population to buy more vehicles and coal plants are still running at full speed,” Evrard said.

A total of nine provinces are affected by the smog as the northern city of Chiang Rai prepares to host a meeting of regional finance ministers.

The seasonal duration of the haze, which used to last for about three months, has now increased to six months, according to Chaicharn Pothirat, a lung disease specialist at Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Medicine.

The long-term effects include an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, he said, adding that he is skeptical the government has any “long-term plan” good enough to tackle the problem.

“They show reporters, they fly to Chiang Mai … but … it does not clearly improve the situation,” Chaicharn told AFP.

Earlier this year, the Thai capital Bangkok was also hit by bad smog, which led to school closures for three days.


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Trump Suggests Deferring Republican Health Plan Push to After 2020

President Donald Trump is suggesting he will defer until after 2020 his push for a Republican health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.


Trump tweeted late Monday that Congress will vote on a GOP plan after the elections, “when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House.”


Republicans were cool after Trump surprised them last week with an unexpected pivot to the issue and claims the GOP will be the party of health care. Republicans lost control of the House partly because of the health care issue, and they don’t yet have a comprehensive plan to replace the law known as “Obamacare.”


In tweets, Trump claimed Republicans are developing a plan with cheaper premiums and deductibles that “will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America.”


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UN Chief Meets With Egypt’s Top Cleric, Decries Hate Speech

The U.N. chief has expressed solidarity with Muslims world over during a visit to Cairo, denouncing hate speech and racism, as well as anti-Semitism.

The remarks by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday in the Egyptian capital came less than a month after the terrorist attack on New Zealand mosques killed 50 worshippers.

Guterres says “hate speech is entering the mainstream, spreading like wildfire through social media and radio.”


He says that “in this time of difficulties and division, we must stand together and protect each other. Nothing justifies terrorism, and it becomes particularly hideous when religion is invoked. … we must uphold and promote human dignity and universal human rights.”

Guterres’ comments came after his meeting with Egypt’s top Muslim cleric Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, the grand imam in Cairo.


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UN: More Than 113 Million People Lacked Food in 2018

The United Nations says climate change, conflict and economic instability created acute food insecurity for more than 113 million people around the globe last year.


In its annual Global Report on Food Crisis, the world body’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) found that of the 53 nations suffering from a shortage of food, Yemen was in the most urgent need of food aid, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan.  


The FAO report says that 2018 was the third consecutive year in which the number of people facing all levels of food insecurity topped the 100 million mark, although it was slightly better than 2017’s number of 124 million people.  The study said some countries were less affected by severe weather events such as drought and flooding.  


The study found that many of those affected by food shortages were the huge number of refugees and migrants in Bangladesh, which is sheltering more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims who fled Myanmar amid a bloody military crackdown, and Middle Eastern nations hosting refugees from war-torn Syria.  


The FAO says it expects the number of displaced persons, refugees and migrants to increase if the current political and economic crisis in Venezuela persists.

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While Washington Fiddles, Many States Facing Up to Threats of Climate Change

When Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey introduced their Green New Deal resolution, Markey said it would be “the greatest blue-collar job creation program in a generation.”

President Donald Trump, on the other hand, said it would “put millions of Americans out of work.”

Battle lines have been drawn with the first major U.S. proposal to tackle climate change in nearly a decade: Does stopping global warming mean wrecking the economy? Or is failing to act worse? 

In the coming months, Voice of America will explore the prospects for salvaging the environment without killing off jobs.

We will meet winners and losers in the energy transition. Our first stop will be in Markey’s home state of Massachusetts, where an energy transition is well underway. We will visit a town where one of the state’s last coal-fired power plants closed, shedding coal jobs but gaining a cutting-edge solar farm. We will see how Massachusetts’ investments in the green economy are paying dividends in jobs and economic growth. 

Though the Senate has voted down Markey and Ocasio-Cortez’s nonbinding Green New Deal resolution, the proposal has put climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions back on the agenda on Capitol HIll. Even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a steadfast opponent of measures to reduce carbon emissions, now acknowledges global warming is a real and human-induced threat.

Trump, by contrast, has called climate change a hoax and sees unfettered production of coal, oil and natural gas as the path to economic expansion. 

Hotter, drier, wetter

Pressure is growing on elected officials to do something. The impacts of climate change are increasingly obvious. 

Eight of the 10 hottest years on record have piled up in just the last decade. 

Hotter and drier conditions in California helped spread the wildfires that caused $24 billion in damage and claimed 106 lives last year. Those fires broke the record for area burned, a record that was set just the year before.

A warmer atmosphere holds more water, making epic soakers like last year’s Hurricane Florence more likely. That $24 billion disaster followed 2017’s Hurricane Harvey, which did $127.5 billion in damage to Houston and the surrounding areas. 

And this is just the beginning. Scientists from 13 government agencies estimated that if emissions remain high, extreme heat would slice $155 billion annually from labor productivity by 2090 as more days are too hot to work. Dwindling water supplies for cities and industries would take a $316 billion toll each year. Annual health care costs for West Nile Virus, just one of several diseases expected to rise with warming temperatures, would be $3 billion higher.

Polls show Americans feel the threat of a changing climate more strongly than ever. Seventy-three percent say global warming is happening, and 62 percent say it is mostly human-caused. Both figures are the highest since the Yale Program on Climate Communication started polling in 2008. 

Two-thirds say they are “worried” or “very worried” about global warming. For the first time, that includes a third of conservative Republicans.

Meanwhile, the federal government is moving in the opposite direction. Trump has moved to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate treaty. His administration is working to loosen Obama administration regulations limiting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and vehicles. 

That has left states, local governments and businesses to fill in the gap. But it will not be easy or cheap. 

Pricing pollution

One possible tool: Put a price on the carbon pollution that is causing global warming in the first place.

Raising the price reduces demand for more-polluting fuels and encourages companies and consumers to find cheaper, cleaner alternatives, economists say.

Pricing carbon would also raise revenue that can be returned to taxpayers or invested in reducing emissions.

Nine U.S. states price carbon through a cap-and-trade system, a market-based approach in which polluters buy permits for each ton of carbon dioxide they emit. California has its own program.

And economic growth in these states has continued as greenhouse gas emissions have declined.

“There’s a lot of rhetoric about how a carbon tax or a greenhouse gas tax would wreck the economy,” said Brookings Institution economist Adele Morris. “There’s absolutely no peer-reviewed evidence that supports that assertion.”

But these policies are not politically popular. A national cap-and-trade proposal died in Congress in 2010. Last November, Washington state voters rejected a carbon tax.

And they would not solve the problem on their own. Pledges the United States and others made in Paris will not achieve the ultimate goal of the accord: Keep global warming to “well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.” 

That would take a carbon price of at least $40 to $80 per ton, rising to $50 to $100 by 2030, according to a World Bank-backed commission. It’s only about $15 per ton in California, and $5 in the nine-state market. 

“There’s an open question whether politically, it’s achievable to hit some of the temperature targets that scientists have recommended,” Morris said. “That’s the conundrum. What’s the willingness to pay (in carbon taxes) of the American electorate? How far can we go before we hit a wall?”

Filling the federal vacuum

As Trump moves to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate treaty, many states are moving forward on their own. 

Most require power providers to source a percentage of their energy from renewable or zero-carbon sources. Several have recently increased these requirements. New Mexico recently joined California in aiming to be 100 percent renewable by mid-century. 

And the private sector is stepping up, as well. 

After Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the Paris agreement, more than 2,000 businesses and investors declared that they continue to support the climate accord.

A group of large investors managing more than $30 trillion in assets is pushing major corporations in their portfolios to get on board. 

“Any company that’s a high-emitting sector, we need to work with them to radically change their emissions or divest from them,” said Mindy Lubber, president of Ceres, a sustainability nonprofit. Ceres is a founding partner of the initiative known as Climate Action 100+. 

Under pressure from the group, oil giants Shell and BP recently said they will tie executives’ bonuses to reaching climate goals. Major mining corporation Glencore agreed not to expand its coal mining business.

For investors, Lubber says, the economic risk comes not from fighting climate change. 

“If we don’t stop global warming, we wreck the economy,” she said. 

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World Trade Forecasts Slashed Again Amid US-China Standoff

The World Trade Organization has cut its forecast for trade growth this year by more than a percentage point, to 2.6 percent, due to an economic slowdown and amid a trade conflict between the United States and China.

The downgrade — from 3.7 percent forecast issued in September — reflects how quickly the prospects for global business are fading as, among other things, the U.S. and China struggle to agree on how to lift tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of trade.


“With trade tensions running high, no one should be surprised by this outlook,” WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo said Tuesday.


Beyond the trade war, the WTO has cited weaker economic growth in North America, Europe and Asia — largely as the effect of fiscal stimulus by the Trump administration wears off. It noted a “phase-out” of monetary stimulus in Europe and China’s efforts to shift its economy away from its traditional reliance on manufacturing and investment toward services and consumption.


In 2018, trade grew by just 3 percent — far below the WTO’s forecast for 3.9 percent, which had itself been downgraded last year. And next year, the Geneva-based trade body expects only a small uptick in trade growth by volume next year, to 3 percent.


The WTO oversees international trade rules and settles disputes between countries. The Trump administration has also been critical of the WTO, accusing it of being “unfair” with the United States.


The U.S. has slowly squeezed the WTO by blocking appointments to its dispute settlement group, the Appellate Body, which could in December fall below the minimum number of members required.


Azevedo pointed to the “fundamental importance of the rules-based trading system,” saying that its weakening would “be an historic mistake with repercussions for jobs, growth and stability around the world.”


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EU Official Says No-Deal Brexit Becoming More Likely

European Union chief negotiator Michel Barnier said Tuesday that Britain is getting closer and closer to having its exit from the EU go forward with no deal in place on the terms of its withdrawal.

Speaking in Brussels, Barnier said there is still hope to avoid a so-called no-deal Brexit. But he indicated Britain has limited options, with the only “orderly manner” being a scenario where the British parliament accepts the deal Prime Minister Theresa May’s negotiators agreed to after two years of talks with the EU.

To date, British lawmakers have rejected that agreement three times. May is expected to try to bring it back for a fourth vote.

The prime minister is spending hours Tuesday holding Cabinet meetings in search of a way to finally resolve the Brexit crisis.

Britain was originally due to leave the bloc by March 29, but May got approval from the EU for a short extension to give her government more time to find a solution parliament could support.

While the process dragged on, parliament sought its own path forward, but in a series of votes Monday lawmakers struck down four possible paths forward. The closest that came to passing was a proposal to have Britain withdraw from the EU, but remain in a customs union.

The latest deadline set by the European Union is April 12. If British leaders have still not agreed to a plan, then Barnier says the only choices at that point will be for it to exit with no deal or try to get the other EU members to agree to a longer extension.

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У другому турі для українців буде вибір між Бенджаменом Коломойським і Петром Порошенко

Про це на своїй сторінці в Facebook написав народний депутат України фракції Партії «Блок Петра Порошенка» Олексій Гончаренко.

«Про результати першого туру складно говорити неемоційно. Але скажу відразу, могло бути і гірше. У нас міг бути варіант: Коломойський проти Коломойського (Тимошенко проти Зеленського). Але, слава Богу, пані Тимошенко до другого туру не вийшла. І в другому турі буде вибір між Порошенком і Коломойським», – зауважив Гончаренко.

Він також відзначив, що скоро відбудуться дебати Петра Порошенка із Володимиром Зеленським.

«Чекаємо дебатів, чекаємо появу Зеленського на ток-шоу, на інтерв’ю, на зустрічах з виборцями, а не на концертах 95 кварталу. Ну і збираємо всі сили. Ну і закінчити хотів би словами Юлії Володимирівни: Зеленський – це тест на політичне самогубство для нації. Упевнений, що ми не будемо піддавати нашу країну таких ризиків», – відзначив Гончаренко.

Правда України

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Red Cross: Health, Aid Workers Face Unabated Attacks

Health and humanitarian workers in war zones are facing unabated and increasing attacks “and the impact on civilians is nothing but catastrophic,” the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross said Monday.

Peter Maurer told an informal Security Council meeting that three years after the council adopted a landmark resolution urging all countries to take action to prevent violence and threats against medical and aid workers, “the evidence of meaningful change on the ground is scarce.”

“The taboo that warring parties would not attack aid workers has been trashed,” he said. “We need strong leadership, political will and determined action to restore this taboo.”

Maurer said health services in conflict “must be protected in a neutral humanitarian space and not be part of military strategies to defeat the adversary.” And he said “rhetoric and practices which exclude adversaries — for example those labeled ‘terrorists’ — from basic health services must stop,” and “public health regulations must not be tainted by political and military considerations.”

U.N. humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock told the council that when he started working on these issues over 30 years ago “there was a broadly shared assumption that in most circumstances warring parties would not attack aid workers.”

In the last years, however, he said, “humanitarian and medical workers have systematically become targets of attack.”

Last year, Lowcock said, 317 attacks against aid workers resulted in 113 deaths, according to the aid worker security database. And 388 attacks against health personnel or facilities resulted in more than 300 deaths, according to the World Health Organization, he said.

The undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs called for better equipment and vehicles to improve security especially for local staff, saying about “94 percent of aid workers who were wounded, killed or abducted in 2018 were nationals of the country in which they were working.”

Lowcock said cooperation between civilian and military authorities is also important, explaining that this has enabled U.N. humanitarian staff to run the world’s biggest relief operation for between 8 million and 10 million people in Yemen in the last 12 months.

Trust is essential, he added, but it can only be sustained if governments don’t politicize assistance or criminalize engagement or aid to particular groups.

Time for action

David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee, told the council that with increasing attacks on aid and health workers, it’s time for action.

He called for an immediate and independent investigation of every aid worker’s death and urged governments to bring perpetrators to justice.

Miliband asked the council a series of questions including: “Will you block attempts to criminalize our ability to engage with armed actors in the name of counterterror restrictions? … Will you seek and speak the truth no matter how powerful the state, how sensitive the topic, or how uncomfortable the question?”

Miliband said IRC staff are waiting for action in Syria where they face increasing attacks, in Congo “where we are working to control an Ebola outbreak amid relentless arson attacks against treatment centers,” and in Yemen, “where Houthi [rebels’] land mines and [Saudi-led] coalition airstrikes mean humanitarians risk their lives with every movement.”

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WHO: Congo Ebola Outbreak Spreading Faster Than Ever 

Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ebola outbreak is spreading at its fastest rate yet, eight months after it was first detected, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday.

Each of the past two weeks has registered a record number of new cases, marking a sharp setback for efforts to respond to the second biggest outbreak ever, as militia violence and community resistance have impeded access to affected areas.

Less than three weeks ago, the WHO said the outbreak of the haemorrhagic fever was largely contained and could be stopped by September, noting that weekly case numbers had halved from earlier in the year to about 25.

But the number of cases hit a record 57 the following week, and then jumped to 72 last week, said WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier. Previous spikes of around 50 cases per week were documented in late January and mid-November.

Deaths occur outside treatment centers

More alarmingly, about three-quarters of Ebola deaths last week occurred outside of treatment centers, according to Congo health ministry data, meaning there is a much greater chance they transmitted the virus to those around them.

“People are becoming infected without access to response measures,” Lindmeier told Reuters.

The current outbreak is believed to have killed 676 people and infected 406 others. Another 331 patients have recovered.

In the past two months, five Ebola centers have been attacked, some by armed militiamen. That led French medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) to suspend its activities in two of the most affected areas.

Another challenge has been a mistrust of first responders. A survey conducted last September by medical journal The Lancet found that a quarter of people sampled in two Ebola hotspots did not believe the disease was real.

New outreach program

Lindmeier said new approaches to community outreach were showing signs of progress and that some previously hostile local residents had recently agreed to grant health workers access.

One treatment center that closed in February after being torched by unknown assailants reopened last week.

More than 11,000 people died in West Africa’s 2013-16 Ebola outbreak. Since then, health authorities have worked to speed up  their responses and deployed an experimental vaccine and treatments, both of which have been considered effective.

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US Appeals Court Refuses to Block ‘Bump Stocks’ Gun Ban

A U.S. appeals court on Monday refused to halt President Donald Trump’s ban on “bump stocks” – rapid-fire gun attachments used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history – in the latest courtroom defeat for firearms rights advocates opposing the policy.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that denied a request by opponents of the policy for a preliminary injunction lifting the ban, which took effect last week. The U.S. Supreme Court twice last week, in cases from Michigan and Washington, D.C., rejected stay requests from gun rights advocates.

The policy was embraced by Trump in the wake of an October 2017 mass shooting that killed 58 people at a country music festival in Las Vegas. It requires owners to turn in or destroy the attachments. People caught in possession of them could face up to 10 years in prison.

The appeals court previously carved out a temporary exception to the ban for members of the Firearms Policy Foundation and other organizations pursuing the legal challenge.

In Monday’s decision, the court said it would extend that temporary reprieve for two days to allow the plaintiffs to seek a stay from the U.S. Supreme Court.

“We are reviewing the decision and will be seeking a stay from the Supreme Court, within the time contemplated by the D.C. Circuit,” said Erik Jaffe, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

Bump stocks use a gun’s recoil to bump its trigger, enabling a semiautomatic weapon to fire hundreds of rounds per minute, which can transform it into a machine gun. The ban is a rare recent instance of gun control at the federal level in a country that has experienced a succession of mass shootings.

Those challenging the policy have argued that the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) lacks the authority to equate bump stocks with machine guns. One of the laws at the center of the legal dispute was written more than 80 years ago, when Congress restricted access to machine guns during the heyday of American gangsters’ use of “tommy guns.”

The appeals court, in its 2-1 ruling, said in Monday’s decision that gun rights activists had failed to show that ATF acted unreasonably when it reinterpreted the language to include bump stocks. The judge who dissented in the ruling, Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, said that “the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their challenge and I would grant them preliminary injunctive relief.”

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